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Artist Info:
Heylo! My name on Gaia is Ninjawolf226, but I often RP with the name Izzy, so you can call me that.<br />
I'm 19. I'm single and I'm a girl.<br />
I love anime and manga, but manga better because the anime ruins the manga with voices and awful filler episodes. BLECH<br />
I am obsessed with creative writing and am a Creative Writing English major, so I do a ton of RP's here on Gaia.<br />
I'm unique, just like everbody else. ^^<br />
My favorite colors are Indigo and blue. Black isn't a color, it's a shade, but I like it too.<br />
I love art! It's like life, but still.<br />
I'm short. ((random yes, but entirely needed to be said))<br />
I love video games. Got an xbox? Look me up! I'm NinjaKootenai. Tell me your Gaia name in the message and we can go kill people in MW2. In fact I played 7 hours straight of Okami on the wii and played over 17 total hours of Trauma Team in a 24 hour time period. sweatdrop <br />
I'm American. Yea... just putting that out there.<br />
I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, did Speedskating for a year, played travel softball for 3 years and can water ski, downhill ski, crosscountry ski as well as snowboard.<br />
I've been to a bunch of camps. I went to circus camp once, I went to Second City Boot Camp, I've been to drama camps, theater camps and martial art camps. I was an Archery Instructor at a Boyscout camp last summer.<br />
And... yea... OH!! I have an unhealthy obsession with Gir from Invader Zim and the show HOUSE. I'm a huge fandom person so if you watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock, Elementary, Skip Beat!, Teen Wolf, Marvel's Avengers, Community, Hannibal, Game of Thrones, and some other things you should definitely chat me up. And I love wolves. Simple right?<br />
That should cover everything... - Avg. rating:
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