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    NEVER!!!!!!!! I will never listen to a disembodied voice!!!<br />
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    Once upon a time in 2010, young 13 year old me learned about a site with a multiplayer game called zOMG through my sister. In the year 2012 (?) I went back to this site because I read somewhere (Gaia email?) that Gaiaonline gets money from advertisements and that's why I should allow them in Firefox. That way they would be able to update features like then Manga which I frequented back in the days. And it did update weekly. So for the entire year I logged in everyday until the manga went on hiatus again in Gambit. In the year 2014 during the summer vacation June I went back to this site for the Manga and for the first time ever looked into the little tab called "Forums". It was then that I learned the true meaning of "online socialization".
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