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  • Artist Info: <br />
    * Real Life *<br />
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    My name is Martin, Im 21 years old and live in England. I have a rubbish job as I have no idea what I want to do in life, I'll figure that out one day. Im a massive Manchester United fan, have been for all my life. Aside from football, I love wrestling ( I know sad), playing xbox, watching TV and films, and eating biggrin <br />
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    I have my own specific taste in music, most of which you wouldnt expect a guy to listen too, but at the end of the day, my music is for me and not to please others. I love my friends and family, there everything to me. <br />
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    Thats all about me in real life for now, want to know more, or just simply have a chat, contact me. <br />
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    * On Gaia *<br />
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    Ive been apart of gaia for roughly 2 years. I started as some random name because I only joined to have a laugh and mess about. My first real name on gaia was Extinct Perfection. I had that account for a while, before starting a new one called Turnip Overdose, I'll never know why I called it that. After being away from gaia for a while, I began a new account called Paranormal Nitemare, which I have sinced changed the name of to 'The Timely Duck', which is what you see before you today. I got this name from a random nickname generator. <br />
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    I hate people who beg for gold, if your a good enough friend to me on here, then I might help you out with quests and the like when you need it. Feel free to add me, but only after we have talked for a bit, Im here to make friends and have lots of fun. <br />
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    Thanks for visiting my profile
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