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  • Artist Info:
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    Name: Katsura Reiza Strife<br />
    Aliases: Kat, Katsu’ <br />
    Gender: Female<br />
    Height: 5’2”<br />
    Weight: 90lbs<br />
    Astrological Sign: Aries<br />
    Birthday: April 7th<br />
    Birthplace: Sector Seven, Midgar<br />
    Race: Human<br />
    Occupation: N/A<br />
    Blood Type: B<br />
    Age: 21<br />
    Eye Color: Amethyst<br />
    Hair Color: Crimson<br />
    Hair Length: 24”<br />
    Complexion: Fair<br />
    Body Build: Petite<br />
    Languages: English, Japanese, and Korean <br />
    Siblings: Storm Strife-Higryu<br />
    Spouse: Zack Fair<br />
    Father: Cloud Strife <br />
    Mother: Tifa Lockhart <br />
    <br />
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    Teisai-体裁 (Appearance) <br />
    ~ <br />
    Katsura normally wears a simple under attire of a black tube top and black high-waisted shorts. On top of that, she has a red long jacket with black accents. She pairs that with knee-high boots and thigh high socks. On her waist, she carries a gunblade and her old katana she created in Shin-Ra. <br />
    <br />
    Hitogara-人柄 (Personality) <br />
    ~ <br />
    Katsura is a cheery, immature/childish young adult. She's always positive and uplifting, but also very serious when it came to those times. But to her enemies, she's ruthless, almost completely insane. <br />
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    Buki-武器 (Weapon) <br />
    ~ <br />
    Katsura prefers fist-to-fist combat, and occasionally using Tsuzuru (A katana consisting of red metals crafted during her days as a SOLDIER) She also has the Witchblade, which is an ancient weapon that was forced onto Katsura by Hojo as an experiment while she was in Second Class. However, she refuses to use it unless super urgent. Many times, she carries small things with her like brass knucles in her pocket or fabric scissors in her bag. If anything, she could use what's around her to take someone down.<br />
    <br />
    Katei-家庭 (Family) <br />
    ~ <br />
    (As mentioned before,) Katsura's parents are Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart. Katsura has a brother, Storm, younger than him by a mere couple of months. He's married to a demon, Axel Higryu, which is her brother-in-law.<br />
    <br />
    Hobī-ホビー (Hobbies) <br />
    ~ <br />
    Katsura normally likes to just sit around like the lazy bum she is, but she does that when there's absolutley nothing to do. Usually, Katsura would be in her room either writing or singing to random songs. She also loves to cook. She would make her own dinner and even snacks for when friends came over to visit. Katsura also has a hobby for art, but she hasn't been drawing in a while. <br />
    <br />
    Iwaku-曰く (Past) <br />
    ~ <br />
    As a child, she was told how her father was a great SOLDIER in the days before she was born. (Of course, that wasn’t the case.) For as long as she could remember, she grew up listening to those tales and decided when it was time, she would join SOLDIER as well to follow in his footsteps, no matter who objects. By that time, the Shin-Ra Company had developed a program specifically for children who wanted to work under the company once past high school. Their program was advanced, teaching high school-leveled academics at sixth grade, so education was no problem for the child. <br />
    By the time Katsura graduated eighth grade, which was senior year at the youth academy, at fourteen years old, the girl quickly went into training as an infantryman. Within a year, Katsura made it to Third Class. And within another year, Katsura got her first promotion to Second Class. For two years, Katsura spent her time in Second Class. However, this was the time where Hojo had picked her and other females within the Shin-Ra complex for an experiment called The Group. This experiment focused on making a secret militia-type group in case of any kind of emergency, which was done behind President Shin-Ra’s back. What Hojo had done was completely remake the Witchblade using the DNA found while he was conducting research and placed it on each woman. Almost everyone besides Katsura had suffered gravely and ended up clawing at their wrists in an attempt to remove it, resulting in suicide. Once the experiment was done, the survivors were released to return to their positions. <br />
    Due to the progress Katsura had made in Second Class, which was a result of the Witchblade, the girl was promoted to First Class by the age of eighteen. However, her First Class days didn’t last as she had expected it to. When she was nineteen, she gave her letter of resignation and dropped her SOLDIER title. <br />
    <br />
    Kono Tokoro-このところ (Recently) <br />
    ~ <br />
    Both Cloud and Tifa have suddenly... disappeared. From what she heard, Denzel - as the young adult he became - runs Seventh Heaven with Marlene and old Barret. Katsura took on the Strife Delivery Service and relocated the office to her home in Sector Nine. She even took her father's motorcycle; Fenrir. Five moths after her parents had suddenly disappeared, an old friend was suddenly pulled back from the grave - literally. Zack Fair. He said he was heaved out of the Lifestream to help her find them. But as this was in the process, Katsura had begun to feel a certain way for the SOLDIER. After a few months of knowing eachother, the two finally get together.<br />
    Nothing has come of her now, and she intends to keep it that way. <br />
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    || <br />
    - O R I G I N A L C H A R A C T E R. - <br />
    Katsura © Melissa Macatangay<br />
    <br />
    Admin Note - I rolepay multiple characters, not just Katsura. Here's a list of characters I play as along with the storyline they're from, both original and canon. <br />
    <br />
    * Joxy Lang (The Last Of Us)<br />
    * Kathryne Catreel (The Last Of Us)<br />
    * Lullaby Harmonia (Rise Of The Guardians )<br />
    * Vitani Ritsane (Original Character for Multi-Genre)<br />
    * Queen Elsa (Frozen)<br />
    * Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII)<br />
    * Elena Guilbert (The Vampire Diaries)<br />
    * Kathrine Pierce/Katerina Petrova (The Vampire Diaries)<br />
    * Aelita (Code Lyoko)<br />
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