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Artist Info:
Hello, stalkers:<br />
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My name's Ashley, and I'm 15 years old. I am single but not looking. You can call me Ash, Ashy, I really don't care :3 I can no longer talk to a single person on here 'cause I got in trouble. So yeah, writing on here looks pointless but at least it would let people know I'm not mean or a total bitch which is what most people would probably think when they see my avi xD But I'm really sweet ^^<br />
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I like being surrounded by electronics that I can use. If I'm not surrounded by them, then I'm bored and not so chatty, and give off this "I don't care about much" sort of thing. But I'll be happy as long as I'm surrounded by people I consider friends or if something catches my interest. <br />
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I can be girly when I want to be, but that part of me doesn't show as often as it used to. My sister calls me a "closet girly girl" which means I'm a girly girl but try's not to act like it. Girly girls don't laugh at blood and gore they show in movies. They don't love zombies, have an interest in violent video games, and skulls. So yeah..... But I can be quite bubbly, and cheerful, and optimistic, so my friends think I'm a scene girl. <br />
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I'm sometimes quiet most of the time, and I tend to stay away from a large group of people 'cause I'd rather not get involved into something I don't want to be in. I'm also usually happy, depending on what's happened so far and if nothing put me down in the dumps. I can come off as a really nice person. Get past my mean, non-caring, "emo" appearance, and get to know me a little bit more, and you'll find out that I'm very protective, caring, understanding, a very rare kind of person, have my hyper moments, can be childish, and I can be weird/crazy when I want to be. My friends say that I tend to brighten up their day when I'm around since I'm always so silly and make them laugh. Oh, and I also keep secrets. If you tell me a secret and want me to keep it, I will, and I might forget it later on ^-^ So wouldn't that make things easier? lol and another bit of proof to show I'm not a total bitch (xD) if my friends have a problem or if somethings bothering them and they need someone to tell, they can tell me and I'll see what I can do to make them smile and laugh and just try to help them out :3 If I was aloud to talk to other people on here, you could come to me if somethings bothering you and I'd do the same ^^ I'm also so protective to the point where I'll end up kicking anyone's ass who messes with my friends and hurts them in anyway possible. That shit doesn't work with me and don't expect me to not want to beat the shit out of you (referring to ppl at my school) if you ever slam my friends to the ground, punch them, make them cry, and/or insult them. You will die!! I won't give a shit if I get suspended or expelled. Touch my friends and hurt them in anyway possible, I will do anything to make sure that you won't even look at them ever again!<br />
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I Like:<br />
Role playing, my boyfriend <3 sweets, horror movies, skulls, bloody games, chatting, sometimes drawing, making formats, manga, anime, music, those with dirty minds ('cause i got one too haha), cute and small things, singing, making more friends, electronics, and scene boys ;D lol<br />
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I Hate:<br />
Vegetables, people who are rude to my friends and me, and those who annoy me all the damn time, boredom, sometimes work, people picking on my lil bro and friends, the freezing cold, having to choose between two guys, obviously school, and a lot of pink<br />
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Role Playing:<br />
I'm a semi-literate to literate RPer. I will get angry if my posts are so short and/or if the person I'm RPing with gives me so little to work with even though I usually give them lots. If I have a lot to work with, I can whip out a pretty big post. Oh, and it really bugs me when people tell me to hurry up with my posts. EVERYONE TYPES AT THEIR OWN PACE, Y'KNOW!!! It's just rude, and since I hate my posts being short, I try to think of ways to make it longer, and the longer I think, there's a chance I get distracted.<br />
I'm currently looking for a role play to join.<br />
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Quote(s):<br />
"I like what I like! If you don't like it, then that's your problem!"<br />
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"I'm not gonna be someone else just to please you. This is who I am and there's nothing you can do about it."<br />
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"If someone doesn't like you for who you are, then don't waste your time on them. They're just not worth it!"<br />
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End:<br />
If you think you wasted your time reading this, I really don't give a shit 'cause you decided to read it ^^ - Avg. rating:
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