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  • Artist Info: My name is Flynn, or as the horses like to call me, "Bounce." If you see a white horse, don't be alarmed, that's just White Thunder, or just Thunder, my partner. He can speak human language because of a weird potion he lapped off the ground. I keep telling him that you should never drink anything from a witch's cauldren. stare <br />
    Flynn and I are writing a guide to the land we live in which is called Faire. I did most of the work. We've encountered trolls, gnomes, dragons, those darned pompous Unicorns, and even an unruly princess! We've got our work cut out for us. dramallama <br />
    Don't forget about me! I'm princess Nazra, the girl who is standing next to Flynn when that selfish horse Thunder isn't hogging the scene. Flynn saved me from my tower and I think he's a total hotty! But he won't be king, so that kind of turns me off. I wonder if his brother Randy is good looking? 4laugh <br />
    I am Randy the XIII, the younger, but so much better brother of Flynn. I'm going to be king of Faire when I marry a beautiful princess (AKA Not Nazra.) White Thunder was supposed to belong to me, but Flynn stole him! Can you believe it? The nerve of some people... confused <br />
    Not so fast! I'm Jarret, the oldest brother! I should be king, but because of our stupid traditions, Randy, the youngest it going to be king. How is that fair? Obviously, the land of Faire is not very fair. I might have to do something about that... evil <br />
    It's me! Onions the Witch! You might not see me often, but I am there! Because I can change my age, I may appear young, and I may appear old! I'm 754 years old! Ain't that grand? whee <br />
    Rosemary and Bubblegum are last! We're cousins! Rosemary is older (and a lot nicer, apparently,) but I, Bubblegum, am prettier! What would you want more? Nice or pretty? Yeah, that's what I thought! 3nodding
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