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  • Artist Info: HI! Guess what?! IVE DONE THIS SHIT BEFORE!!!!!!! scream Had one that was completely fucking awesome by the username Crazygirl132 that got hacked and then was used to hack others so I got kicked off, then tried again and gave the fuck up. Now I have so much shit to catch up on that I don't even want to think about it. confused why yes i am a dramallama and i dont give a shit what you say. mrgreen cause im that kind of cynical bitchy woman that will "never get a man" or whatever the fuck everyone says about me behind my back. 4laugh burning_eyes Now get the fuck out whee JUST KIDDING!!!<br />
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    Well now that that bit of ranting is over...sorry I get like that sometimes. Borderline bi-polar ya know?<br />
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    The names Kaitlyn, I'm somewhere between 14 and 19 and living in a shithole town on top of a mountain and going to a school that acts like separation of church and state is optional. I plan on moving the second the diploma is in my hand. Arizona can burn to the ground for all I care, I'm leaving and never coming back.<br />
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    My personality/style is torn somewhere between grunge and goth. Er...at least it would be if my mom would let me dress like that but as it is....other than on here I'm stuck in tees and jeans/cargos and the occasional skirt if I can get away with it.<br />
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    I'm a hardcore feminist (though I won't castrate you unless you say something along the lines of "Wanna here a joke? Sure. Woman's Rights!" wink and am very hard headed and stubborn.<br />
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    I'm a bit on the large side (blame my genes) but it doesn't bother me what others think or see anymore. I am me, I've never been any bigger and never been any smaller. This is how my body will be until the day I die.<br />
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    I can't really think of anything else right now........If ya have any questions PM me I guess.
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