• Ragsanne 's Gallery
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    ☂️ Things I like about Gaia: 🎲
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    - observing strangers in hangouts<br />
    - interacting with polite/cute/interesting/insightful/genuine/laid-back Gaians <br />
    - helping people understand that the unique bits that form people's true strong inner self are equally important as any other's, that the diversity of life, choices and thinking is what makes us evolve so beautifully and greatly as a species. Love yourself, always be there for yourself, and do your best to live in harmony with others (there are many reasons to)<br />
    - respecting my own path and having no fear to not join the mainstream if I feel differently<br />
    - mashing the ignore button on potty-mouthed flirts, stalkers, trolls, pushy peeps, insistent beggars, cheeky bastards, melodramatic llamas and emo wannabees who never realize their friends are there for them and act like they're being ignored or try to use people's emotions for pity/gain<br />
    - collecting the skulls of criminals into my snekpit of forgotten ignored remains. Be polite with people & do what's necessary to ctrl your actions<br />
    - reading fun lengthy information on Gaians' profiles (and being wooed with their amazing profiles) <br />
    - buying useful/interesting items for reasonable prices, particularly offwhite, crepe, seabreeze, teal, jade, spruce, pine, olive, sage, shamrock, velvet, demure, aqua, wintermint and mint colored items<br />
    - creating beauty with more than 3 color themes evenly distributed, gives a more original feeling to the avatar, not to mention the "Wow!" factor<br />
    - getting avi faces to look the closest to drool-worthy possible; I am sometimes having a hard time with this but I'd probably try to accomplish it even a thousand times a day, if time permits<br />
    - trying to keep my Wishlist 📃 updated, after purchasing items or just making new wishes. I have almost all the items on my Gaia wishlist set on private (epsecially the ones I love/need a lot) since I never really know what I'm gonna be questing for next due to price changes, but to make up for it I'm letting you view everything I have equipped on my avi. ;3 Ask away if you want to buy me a significant gift, and mention the price range, I'll come up with some suggestions. Evergrateful~<br />
    - having my mailbox 📮 (PMs) accessible by anyone, so you can contact me ✏️️ about business 💼 and maybe we can become allies (pals). Comments are for furriends only<br />
    - zOMG! zOMG! zOMG! OH, YUS! I love this game. It's been my favorite MMORPG for years and I don't think anything will change that. It's browser-based, simple enough but also complex in its mechanics, interesting, funny and Oh! So! Fun! And it gives GOLD too~ 'Q' Love it (read my fast Zomg guide)<br />
    - Art Freebies <3 🎨<br />
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    . o O ☮️ O o .
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    🌸 Rag, Rags, Sane, Anne, Roxi, Rexi, Trexi, Reky, Trekky, Tress, Tess, Ress 💗 - whatever floats your boat 🚤, preferably not baby (I'm not a baby =n=), hun, love, darling (save 'em for marriage) | Female ♀️ | 26 🎂 | Egg-quality🚦🚦| Pretty Skinny for an Unstoppable Gourmet 🍰 🍏 🍩 🥑 🍉 🍬 🥝 🍓 🍈 | Awkward Dance with me🕺💃 | Be You Ty 💋 | Seek Fun & Creativity, they always come 🏖️ | Freedom of Expression 🏹 | 🚨 Safety First 🚧 | No drug/alcohol/coffee/tobacco zone 💊🚬☕🍺 | <3 People 🐒, Animals 🦊 & our Mama Nature 🌴 | </3 Weapons in the Wrong People's hands 🔪✂️️💴, </3 Superstitions 🔯, </3 Pseudoscience ♓ ♒ ♍ ☯️ | <3 Anime 🎥 and Cartoons 🍿 | Music and Soothing Sounds 🎧 | Have a weakness for Working Low Latent Inhibition, High-Functioning Autism & Asperger's Syndrome people, Trans people & Cross-dressers 🏳️‍🌈, Shy people 🤗, Confident + Gentle people 😽, Funny people 👅, people with Eyeglasses , Detective stories 🔎, everything Vintage ⚜️ & Jazz 🎼🎷 | Proof not words | 🏯 Honor 🏰 | 💒 Harmony 🏩 | Respect earns my trust 🗝️ | Gates keep open until you tamper with them ⛩️ | My boundaries are Sacred ✝️, but do not Cross ❇️️ | Off-ensive topics ruin my comfort | 🎮 Most Gaming knowledge comes from others 🕹️ | Only Human 🐵 - Flawed 🌖 & Distinguishable 🍁 | From Europe 🏞️ | Wish I lived in Switzerland 🏔️
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    🌈My Store🍡
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    🖇️ Never give out your password to anyone, only fill it in on the official Gaia page and be careful about links that open a new tab and tell you you've been logged out. Make sure the web address is right, even if the page looks like Gaia. 📊
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    🍧🍹I have cool junk in my Journal; check it out if you want~🍷🍨
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    🏡 My Home ♠■⌂♣♠ 🏠
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    🎰 I'm not interested in Guilds for the time being. I've heard, seen and talked to strangers and friends who have gone through difficult times because of popular guilds lately, who have been force recruited, deceived or manipulated into joining them, and abused and molested within the guild. Some of the guilds even possess content against the Gaia TOS. Thus, I see no point in being part of any new one, as I have neat friends and we're able to play games and do anything wonderful we wish to without the necessity to be part of one. 🕸️
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    🚲 ->My name used to be Nyan Cat Desu, Vixsenpai.<- 🎠
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    🚓 If you have vile intentions, this place is not for you. Peace is what I choose for my life, I live to grow and surround myself with people who aim to bring good into the world. 🚑<br />
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    🎡 Best Gaia friends (if we hang out together often and you're not on the list, make senpai notice/tug on my sleeve): 🎾<br />
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    Nay (I have great admiration for this lady, she's been my inspiration and life aid, a lover and friend until the end; ~missing you as life goes on for the both of us, in my mind you're like a trinket that comes with me; I'll always remember the good times, kindness and everything you shared with me and I hope you get all you deserve and all you wish for, I imagine you there and I know your power, knowledge and abilities and that you're gonna be fine; I dream one day I'll meet you again and be able to watch you once more floating within your freedom, the you that glows so brilliant, and support your growth like you've done to mine; I'll always have myself and my memories, wishes, a life ahead of me full of awareness and no matter what happens, hope. You never judged me, and always respected me. You have this strength and wisdom within that helps you carry on through many difficulties. Who's to say the grass was greener? You know you owe me nothing. Just know that somewhere someone hopes the best for you and it'll be okay.~)<br />
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    iAngeline (missing you so, remembering the zOMG! times which were the best times in my life, you're probably busy a lot and rarely get on and have the time to reply my messages anymore)<br />
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    Shiro (the great contest times and derpy times with your lovely friends still get me smiling)<br />
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    Klashie (always around, reliable, fun, laid-back and mature; those zOMG! times after most old timers quit Gaia were loads of fun thanks to you)<br />
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    ---no longer updated---<br />
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