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  • Artist Info: Oh heey! Im Keishia and WEIRD. 4laugh <br />
    <br />
    Here we go..<br />
    <br />
    age: 20<br />
    height: 5`8<br />
    hair: Blonde<br />
    fave color: PURPLE<br />
    <br />
    im obsessed with : Kill La Kill, Chicken Nuggers, Adventure Time, Jessica Nigri, Kingdom Hearts and Inuyasha <br />
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    gahhhhh!<br />
    <br />
    oh, and i also really want someone to draw my avi... lol that would be the coolest. ive actually tried drawing my own avi, and it was a disaster, lol apparently i cant draw cas she turned into a big fat looking smudge cloud thing.. YIKES >.< lol eek <br />
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    lol if you need to know more? lol just pm me or something smile always open to more friends smile lol<br />
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    PS =><br />
    i am usually on at night, because i dont sleep.. lol<br />
    (/~.~)/ (~.~)
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