• Anima Cordis's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: -Freelance-<br />
    Skills:<br />
    •3D Interior & Exterior Designer<br />
    •3D Sculptor<br />
    •Vector Artist<br />
    •Photo Manipulator<br />
    •Digital & Traditional Artist<br />
    <br />
    Short BIO:<br />
    <br />
    I'm 27 this year.
    Might be my last
    <br />
    My Dream is to become a Game Artist.<br />
    First Internship is Advertising.... But I called it a Dream Killer.<br />
    I wasn't able to Graduate due to Pandemic and Personal Issues.<br />
    Got a Job. 3D related for almost 4 years.<br />
    At the same time, I'm doing side jobs.<br />
    Then went On Leave. Because I need my Grad Certificate.<br />
    <br />
    Got to keep practicing both 2D and 3D art.<br />
    <br />
    That's about it.<br />
    - CC
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