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  • Artist Info: I like music, sometimes alot more then anything else, but slamming, bashing, and battering opponents on SSBB appeal to me a little bit more sometimes. XD<br />
    I like drawing, gaming. anime, hanging out with my friends, stalking my bf. *I don't actually stalk him, that would be kinda creepy. rofl* and generally just chillin out.<br />
    I get really bored quickly, so my intrests in anime usually keep changing. It's rather annoying. I get half way through one anime, then I start a totally new one. Same goes for my drawing or whatever else I do, I tend to get it half done, then zap! I lose intrest and come back to it later...Or not!!! XD<br />
    I like electro/techno kinda stuff but too much repition can kill a piece of music. I like all sorts of music so I can't say I have a favorite band. I guess Pendelum could be put here though. They do techoey/electro kinda stuff. XD<br />
    As for books...Well, Demonata is the only series i've ever bothered to continue on, as for other favorite kinda books, its usually whatever I can get my hands on that looks intresting to me. Unique, zany, morbid, grisly, dark humour, you get the idea. Graphic novels and manga are really good though. XD<br />
    The World Ends With You is an awesome game, and Mario and Luigi, partners in time, was pretty enjoyable and funny. Currently playing Poke Platinum. Also Trying to finish those Sonic games on the Wii. Looking forward to Kingdom Hearts games coming out, and Zelda, Spirit tracks. I hope Sega bring out more Sonic games that don't actually suck....Make a new Shadow game!!!!.....*Minus all the glitches, faults and just plain rubbish gameplay of course*<br />
    Yep....You know some stuff about me now. smile <br />
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