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    IMPORTANT:<br />
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    *This profile is under heavy construction (Will update whenever I can be arsed.)*<br />
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    I hate setting up about me's or profile-y stuff. I'm always convinced I'm either over exaggerating or selling myself short but I'll give it a go. <br />
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    Hi there and welcome to the profile! I shake you warmly by the hand.<br />
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    *Pauses* Er, for starters I'm male. Single (I'm still happy to say) by choice! ^_^ I reside in Australia, the worlds biggest island and smallest continent. I am currently employed, working sales at a place that sells children's cubbies and other items I don't exactly have knowledge of. haha. It's been pretty tough actually but I'm still learning.<br />
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    I live in my head a lot and often escape the mundane by reading books and watching films. My favourite books to read are of the fantasy genre. Whilst I do enjoy the Harry Potter series and classics, my tastes are leaning towards the more adult fantasy saga's these days. I'm also a fan of Urban fantasy and have recently taken an interest in the Victorian- steampunk era. <br />
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    Generally, I prefer old films as opposed to the crap hollywood produces now. James Dean is my favourite actor, Alfred Hitchcock my favourite director but my favourite film, I couldn't tell you. (I might be able to widdle it down to ten.) <br />
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    I'm also a TV Junkie and budding writer. (mostly fantasy stuff, go figure.) I draw on occasion, although I often find the process more stressful than enjoyable. I'd love to make a living doing either of these things, but I'm a way a ways from that just yet.<br />
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    I'm very self-conscious about things like that. I may not be outgoing or very open at first glance, but I've ambitions and dreams I plan on making a reality....Like many people, I'm not exactly sure on how I'm going to achieve this. And to make matter worse, I'm also pedantic, indecisive and unorganized.<br />
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    I'm passionate about many things. Writing, film, animals, The environment, dance, individuality, expression and freedom of speech. I like to think of myself as a lazy idealist, where I'd like to change the world but probably won't. razz <br />
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    I despise prejudice in any form, be it racial, homophobic, or directed towards minority groups. I hate people who are self absorbed, selfish, judgmental, uncaring and cruel.<br />
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    I'm a beach bum at heart. I love summer and despise winter. My favourite season is Christmas. I like the woods/ forests and bushlands. And I love looking at old buildings and architecture.<br />
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    That's...more than I planned on writing, but If I think of anything else I'll add/ edit. Again, I'll just reiterate, If you comment me I can't guarantee a speedy reply as my profile never seems to load properly on this computer. -_- Same goes with friend adds. Probably won't add you randomly either, so unless we converse in a fairly regular setting, don't try.<br />
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    -Peace<br />
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