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  • Artist Info: I like to play the violin, I'm really good at it. The most difficult song I played was Concerto in A minor 3rd Movement, by Antonio Vivaldi. I'm learning the four seasons. I can play only a little guitar. I'm in Advanced Orchestra in my school. I like Shurikens and Red things.... And food.... And sleep....<br />
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    My Favorite Joke by Dane Cook<br />
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    There's always been that one creepy weird person in your life, I guaranty it, that's just when you were little then you finally grow up. *Mario Super Mode Sound* That's the sound of growing up. Even now at your job, there is a freak! There is a weird guy at every job that makes you constricts every time when he's around. And the weird thing about it is cause it's the same guy at every single job you go to right? He's there you quit, you go to the new job and your like... "Omg, is that the guy from the other job?! It's the guy! The scary guy! Why am I talking at such a high voice?! It's ridiculous, makes no sense! Ahhhh!" I can describe this guy right now. I can list all his features. First of all, he's not a fat guy, he's not fat, you never say he's fat. But he is...shapes! He's like an amoeba, he's always a different consistency, he's like a lava lamp type of person. He walks around real slow. He has that round ass every time and your like... "What is that? It's like he has some kind of mechanical garden and grows potatoes on his taint. What is that? You want to see it! But you don't! You wanna see it, but your all sick. Nobody talks to that guy, no one. He's got that blue blocker glasses on, you never see his eyes. He's got the pocket of the whole jubilee of pens. In case he has to write alot! And nobody talks to that guy. If your in the break room with one of your friends right? You see him come morphing in from the shadows. The second he comes in he's like. "Hey guys, wanna get the f**k outa the break room!? Maybe go on the rooftop and breakdance, yeah, lets do that!" No body talks to that guy, but let me tell you something, every job I go to I talk to that guy, I tlk to him- I would find him on purpose and have little chit-chats with him. And I would be very interested like "Look, heres a snickers, thats for you. Peanuts, caramel, put that in your mouth, enjoy that. You know why I talk to that guy, cause when that day finally comes, when he snaps! And he comes to work with a sawed off shotgun walking to the hall. Boom. Boom. Boom. And he finally gets to my office he's gonna be like.... *breath in* "Thanks for the candy"..... You laugh now but you know Monday morning your gonna be like "Hey Marcus! How was your weekend. What did you do? Here, I bough you some pens for your crazy pocket. I know you love pens, I happen to love pens to. We should talk about pens someday, pens, inks, pens, caps, I lovem'"
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