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    Sarah had once inhabited this establishment.<br />
    :D<br />
    -- Beware El Jabberwock
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    Me llamo es Elizabeth. I am of the teenage genre albeit of the later part. I'm 20, yes ancient I know. I am the sole creator of Trashcan Boy but alas he does not generally agree with me on this fact, but i am quick to point out that i can take away his penis at any given moment, so he's quick to make amends. Hmm...other vital things about yours truly.....I am a senior in high school and that scares the sharpies out of me >.< I'm also an unofficial and unpaid (sadly) psychiatrist to many people, but they love me and put up with my fruity quirkie~ness so i figure that its a good deal. I've been know to stage protests on the floor of my local mall (at least thats the running story) and to hang out in the childrens section of barnes and nobles, where i help get people (un)stuck in the kiddie chairs. They know my name at my local starbucks and I wear a multicolored tutu when the moment strikes.I am a Christian and I wont judge you and I only ask the same curtasy in return. I'm quiet and I'm rather perceptive unless something is right in front of my face aka that speeding train or puddle of mud. I've learned that the only way to deal with these situations is to be glad that I'm still living, and to take my shoes off and waddle and besides that killer umbrella story is always one to get a good laugh out of. Invisible objects also have a tendency to find their way right in front of me causing me to seemingly fall for no reason, tis a conspiracy i tell you, a conspiracy. I have two cats: marki and doc, they're very fat, but i love them more for it. When i grow up, God willing, I plan on being the creepy old cat lady that lives in a creepy old house, with a lawn filled with pink plastic flamingos and gnomes. I do have a tendency to beat people with brooms, so don't take it personally. I don't have dreams of global domination unlike most of my piers, i shall rule people but without then knowing it, its called subliminal advertisement people, whats really going on in your head?<br />
    Made you paranoid didn't i? I'm also good at that, I know a lot of rather disturbing facts, my mind is like an encyclopedia that has been written by a very intelligent ten year old aka there are alot of spelling errors and a lot of off topic rambling. But thats okay because I've realized that the only way to get through the public school system is to be very good at bullshitting your way around the question. Although i'm not sure how well that'll work in India, where ill be in less then a year *shudders* pray for me people they don't have an FDA there. I'm not eating until i get back...well unless someone takes pity on me and sends me food from the states. My birthday is June 11. Ironically I'm probably one of the most translucent people you'll ever meet, i literally glow, tis quite sad really. I collect pez like nobodies peanuts and i can debate the socks off of most people. If you have something to tell me that I've never heard before id love to hear it, but please don't try and debate me if you have no bloody idea what you're talking about, it gets rather annoying. Its rather more graceful to admit defeat and try and learn something then to scrabble around with half baked evidence. Well I think I've rambled along enough for now. You probably haven't read this far, but if you have, I hope I've entertained you a bit.
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