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Artist Info:
About me? Well, I am an avid roleplayer, and do so only on forum based games. I currently play on a Supernatural forum, an historical 18th century forum, a Yugioh forum, and a high fantasy original world forum. I also do art. I usually won't do random requests, mostly because my art is for me<br />
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Now, there's several questions you might want to ask me. <br />
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I am completely obsessed over a TV show known as Supernatural, and I am a Castiel girl, and an avid one at that, and I have recently fallen in love with YUSEI FUDO and HAYTHAM KENWAY. He's mine, deal with it. I love anime, and I love fairytales. SO here's the low down<br />
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Loves;<br />
Supernatural, Bones, House, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Misha Collins(drools), driving my friends insane, The Aquarium of the Pacific, church, my friends wink , Taylor Swift, sappy romance, horses,Yugioh, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon, Punk Rock, Classic rock(Yay AC/DC), animals, the ocean, mountains, forests, meadows, countryside, Yusei Fudo, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, my amazing characters, J-pop, J-rock, art<br />
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Loathes with a passion;<br />
Twilight, Robert Pattinson(Ew), Miley Cyrus, Rap, Hip hop, screamo metal, intolerance, Orlando Bloom(guy's best part was where he shut up), Los Angeles traffic, crowds, lots of school kids in one place at once, roaches(They should all die), people who bash Taylor Swift(she's sweet in person, and her songs are from the heart, get over yourselves), that creepy Latino who hits on me on the train/bus.... PETA....<br />
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This will be updated over time. wink - Avg. rating:
- 4 Fans
- Smexy Dark Elf
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