• C a l u f r a x's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Well, it's about time I updated this thing.<br />
    <br />
    I congratulate you for managing to find me. Despite spending a worryingly large amount of time on this site, I barely post anymore. And even when I did, nobody knew who I was. So now I'm like some super-nobody. <br />
    I can't tell whether that's a good thing or not.<br />
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    I'm fifteen years old and female, but greatly dislike the demographic that this places me in. I can either be one of those straightened-haired, large-sunglassed, Country-Road bag-owning, short-shorts-and-long-top-and-ballet-flats-ed, "like, oh-em-gee"-spurting, individual-personality-disowning little princesses or a pathetic emo kid claiming their life sucks and nobody understands them, and so becoming a non-conformist and wearing ridiculous amounts of eyeliner and straightening their hair (it seems to be a constant, doesn't it?) and sitting on steps in public locations and just generally wallowing in their self-generated self-pity.<br />
    It's not a nice choice, is it? While I'm not claiming the be original and "alternative" and "I liked it before it was cool" (because then I'd have to punch myself), I still manage to not fit in any stereotypes properly, as my music tastes indicate. Though I'm often regarded as a bit of a "freak" by my peers, I can't help it. My life doesn't need to be any more boring.<br />
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    I can't be bothered telling you my name. If you know me IRL, you already know it. If you want to know, you can ask me. Otherwise, call me any form of "Calufrax" you can think of without embarrassing yourself. While "Fraxie-waxie-woozy-doovy" may seem irrisistable, I can and will laugh at you.<br />
    ... Damn, you're all gonna start calling me that now, aren't you?<br />
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    On Gaia, I typically lurk in the GD, or the GCD when the GD gets embarrassingly bad. Which it does annoyingly often. And as I can't be bothered making worthwhile threads to boost up the forum quality (I can never think of topics. And the ones that I do make generally fail miserably), running and hiding in another forum until the current shitty fad is over makes sense.<br />
    I used to vote a hell of a lot in the Avatar Arena, but seeing as that's shittier than the GD nowadays, I can't be bothered. I still keep up with the weekly winners, and it doesn't make me happy.<br />
    Please, if you are actually capable of producing an impressive avatar, enter. In a group. A big one. The bad avatars need to stop winning.<br />
    Oh, and I puzzle a lot to kill time, earn gold and yell at idiots. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots. I only ever seem to see newbies, n00bs and generally idiotic people in Puzzles. Possibly because all the remotely intellectual people are in the forums. Dammit.<br />
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    On another note, don't let this profile layout convince you that I'm one of those pseudo-Satanists, or someone who thinks their life is more worthless than a deep-fried Ansett plane ticket and thus feels the need to project their "despair" onto everybody else. All the other profile layouts on tektek sucked, and I can't be bothered learning to code. I'm a very happy person, albeit one with a somewhat bleak outlook on life and a rather sick sense of humour.<br />
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    That's right, humour. From that word alone, you can probably detect that I'm not American. You're thinking British, I bet. Especially if you've looked at my interests. <br />
    No, I'm Australian. Yes, I ride a kangaroo to school, live in the middle of a sun-baked paddock and wrestle crocodiles. In fact, I'm currently relaxing my vocal chords, as my voice has become croaky from yelling "crikey!" too much.<br />
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    And if you turn your head to the... *thinks about it*... left, you'll see my amusingly long list of my interests. Movies is a bit lacking, because I barely watch films anymore. I just can't be bothered. And I couldn't think of anything else I liked.<br />
    Same goes for TV shows, mostly. I'm a massive Doctor Who and Red Dwarf fangirl, so feel free to strike up a conversation with me if you feel similarly.<br />
    (I don't want David Tennant to leave, and I dislike Matt Smith's nose >_> wink <br />
    The music section, on the other hand, is overflowing. And those are just the bands that I will listen to more than a couple of songs of. I'll listen to a lot more groups, but my head would explode if I tried to list them all. Plus there's some stuff which, under normal circumstances, I would rather staple my nonexistant testicles to a rotting walrus than admit that I will listen to them.<br />
    As you can see, the list is rather contradictory (Screw only listening to one genre; I get bored doing that. erraticness is more fun.), and rather unorthodox for a 15 year-old girl. I can't help it. Popular new music is rubbish, and I can't be fucked trawling through the shit to find something worthwhile. It's much easier to trawl through my dad's music and find good stuff.<br />
    Other than the artists listed (look through them, if you can be bothered =D), R.E.M., XTC and U2 should also be on there, but they wouldn't be put on because they have less than four letters and gaia is stupid on that matter. I'll also listen to a lot of bad pop, some dance and techno and shit (it all sounds the same to me. I don't see how people can split it into further subcategories .__.) and random one-hit wonders from the '60s to the mid-'00s. <br />
    <br />
    ... Wow, I've written a hell of a lot. And it's mostly rambling. I like rambling, evidently. I also like talking shit, from the pseudo-intellectual to the pointlessly non-sequiturial. I also like making up words and turning nouns into verbs.<br />
    I also generally curse like a sailor and will attack your lack of proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. If you're going to talk to me, you can type out your damn words. Or have me attack your intellect. I don't mind typos, but if you try and pull the "lol itz da intrnetz no1 carez abowt spelin", you will have all the credibility of an electronic evangelical Scientologist.<br />
    but, seeing as the main place I "live" on Gaia noticeably is Puzzles, which is full of illiterate, twelve year old noobs, the only people who'll find me are illiterate twelve year old noobs.<br />
    <br />
    So if you're an illiterate twelve year old noob who decides to add everyone in the room on your friendslist because "lotza fwendss m8ks u totli kewl ryt?", don't expect me to do accept. To get any chance of being on my friendslist, a decent conversation and some respectable credibility is required.<br />
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    I salute you if you've bothered to read this far, and if you feel the need, you can PM me or comment me if you like. As long as you meet the vague criteria set out above.<br />
    In the meantime, vote Saxon, eat more toast and don't forget to wear clean underwear.<br />
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    ~ C a l u f r a x.
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