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Artist Info:
Hello. I'm The Hero Of The Dawn. I was formerly known as Airship Canon, but that name no longer works for me, because the Canon part has all but fallen apart. (Mind you- I still have my love for Airships, and I will still make a point that Colloyd = Canon)<br />
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I am an obsessive gamer. This is a basic fact about me. I love video games. But I won't stop at just playing them-- I aspire to be a video game designer, and I won't let anything get in my way.<br />
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My Favorite Games:<br />
Tales of Symphonia. In my opinion, this is the greatest of all RPGs, easily blows Final Failtasy 7 out of the water, and is pretty much my favorite game of all time. <br />
Playthru Count: 170.<br />
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Tales of the Abyss. Not as good as Symphonia, but still a great game. <br />
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Fire Emblem Series. I dunno why but I love these games. Ike. Is. Not. Gay. Seriously, stupid fangirls. <br />
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Super Smash Brothers Brawl. BRAWL > MELEE. Fact. Only bad things about Brawl are tripping and lack of Roy. He was our boy, but as you could tell... I like Ike. But Marth's my Main. Unfortunately I can't go online right now due to 256K.<br />
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Comments (1 Comments)
- HopexHavoc - 01/25/2009
You know I think it's pretty lame of you to rate someone's art low because of the sexuality depicted in the picture. Especially since you were most likely doing it just to be a 'smart a**.' It's even more tasteless of you because that person's art far surpasses your own.
You fail. ;D - Report As Spam