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  • Artist Info: If you have received a random comment signed by yours truly, then you are at the right place.<br />
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    If you think my profile is lame, then we already agree on one thing.<br />
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    If you think you are crazy and you feel that other people may be the same flavour of crazy, for flavours are contagious through friendship, you believe in the same theory as I do.<br />
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    ... I haven't exactly been very straight forward, now have I? I am Kikiura, and the only one alive. If anyone else uses that name, they must have seen me FOR I AM THE ORIGINAL. Look up on almost anything and I am there.<br />
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    I am a Canadian teenager (I do not say 'eh' thank you very much) who would love to move out of the most populated area in the country, but still loves it no matter what.<br />
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    I am an avid roleplayer, but I can never seem to find good RPs anymore.... maybe all the good ideas are gone?<br />
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    BAD Kikiura! never think that again! As I was saying...<br />
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    I enjoy role plays. If you have made an RP, ask me to join and I most likely will (unless it's really stupid). I am a wanna-be writer with good editing skills, so don't be suprised if I correct grammar. I have been known for long RP posts; fear me.<br />
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    I play piano, but not excessively well. I'm currently at the level where people go 'wow' when they hear me play, but people have been like that for years. I print most of my music (not my Royal Conservatory of Music stuff) off the Internet, so if you see anything that looks (and sounds) cool, send it to me! I'm always willing to try out new things. At the moment, I'm working on Final Fantasy songs, mainly One Winged Angel (which is impossible), the Final Fantasy X Ending Theme (so sad!) and Kefka <3<br />
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    Speaking of Final Fantasy... I am what one may term an obsessive fangirl. I just am, don't ask me specifically why. If you do, prepare for an onslaught of music clips, movie clips, quotes and character pictures. I am indeed that crazy.<br />
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    I like video games in general; not really going to say much more that that I generally suck at them, too.<br />
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    I am a book geek. 'Nuff said.<br />
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    In being a book geek, yes, I do have glasses. I've had them had them for almost eight years now and am now blind (-7.0 thank you very much. Not as bad as some, but still). I am in the process of getting contct lenses, and i will only ever wear them in public to scare the shit out of unsuspecting little children. heart <br />
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    I hate Twilight; ignore my interests side thingy. SOMEONE seems to forget to update it every year or so (aka me).... I am mindlessly forgetful, too, so if I add you as a friend then forget who you are, don't feel offended.<br />
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    I like metal and alternative music, along with techno the odd time. Danny Elfman and Nobuo Uematsu are two men whom I absolutely adore with all my heart. Tool just flat out rocks, much like Daft Punk, even though the two are not even close to similar. System of a Down is good, too, and if you ask me if I like any other bands, prepare for yet another onslaught of sound clips and ravings.<br />
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    Au revior for now, my pretties!
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