Always Fear Amber's Gallery
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Artist Info:
START : .<br />
1. Name: Amber... duh XD<br />
2. Nickname: Ambash, rebma, ambz, ambie, reb... Horror =]<br />
3. State: [of mind?] everything abnormal ;]<br />
4. Place of Birth: Earth silly =]<br />
5 Male or Female: Female.<br />
6. Hometown: Pluto.<br />
7. Age: 14<br />
8. School: earthlings high school for the strange.<br />
9. Occupation: Full time Vampire =]<br />
10. Initials: ANRB<br />
11. Screen Name: UnofficaiallyAmber<br />
<br />
. : Your Appearance : .<br />
<br />
12. Hair Color: Blonde<br />
13. Hair Length: shoulder<br />
14. Eye color: hazel, more green though, some poeple have asked if my eyes were gray oO<br />
15. Best Feature: nose [C=<br />
16. Height: 5'6<br />
17. Braces?: just got them of march 17 2009!!!!<br />
18. Glasses?: nope<br />
19. Freckles?: naw<br />
20. Diploma?: not yet my friend ;]<br />
<br />
. : Your Firsts : .<br />
<br />
21. First kiss: hasn't happened yet.<br />
22. First best friends: Ashley C<br />
23. First Award: Perfect attendance in 1st grade >.>"<br />
24. First Sport You Joined confused Cheerleading in Kindergarden<br />
26. First Real vacation razz A!<br />
27. First thing you said today: I grumbled, cause my moms friend asked if I wanted to go to Naples with them =/<br />
28. First Love:Eric [ya know, I never got over him, even after he turned into an emo faggot wannabe.]<br />
<br />
. : Favorites : .<br />
<br />
29. Movie: suthin about Mj and his family, IDK, it's been a long time since I've sen it =/<br />
30. TV Show:the othersiders, charmed, a haunting, AI, ghost whisperer<br />
31. Color: Purple!<br />
32. Rapper: I hate rap<br />
33. Place to get groceries:Walmart!<br />
34. Food: Chinese<br />
35. Season: Winter<br />
36. Candy: shockers<br />
37. Sports: Riding my bike, and running.<br />
38. Restaurant: golden babe ;]<br />
39. Friend: lauren, Anna, Natalie, and Merlin.<br />
40. Store: JCpenny's, and Sally's<br />
41. School Subject: math<br />
42. Animal: jagure [can't spell DX]<br />
43. Book: the importal instuments<br />
44. Magazine: J4 teen<br />
<br />
. : Currently : .<br />
<br />
45.Doing before you started this survey: morphing<br />
46. Feeling: bored<br />
47. Wearing: blue nightgown<br />
48. Crying about: Nothing<br />
49. Eating : Nothing<br />
50. Drinking:Nothing<br />
51. Dreaming: can't remember<br />
52. Typing: words<br />
53. Listening To: the humming of my computer<br />
54. Thinking about: going crazy<br />
55. Wanting: A drink<br />
56. Watching: nothing<br />
<br />
. : Future : .<br />
<br />
57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Collage<br />
58. Kids: two<br />
59. Want to be Married: der XD<br />
60. Career in Mind: actress. or meteorolgoist [spelling?]<br />
<br />
<br />
. : Which is Better with the Opposite Sex : .<br />
<br />
61. Sport: baseball<br />
62. Shirt: long black<br />
63. Hair color: blonde<br />
64. Hair length: shoulder length.<br />
65. Eye color: Any<br />
66. Measurements:Taller than me .<br />
67. Cute or sexy: Both<br />
68. Lips or Eyes: lips<br />
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs<br />
70. Short or Tall: Tall.<br />
71. Easygoing or serious: little bit of both<br />
72. Romantic or Spontaneous:both<br />
73. Good or Bad: bad<br />
74. Sensitive or Loud: both goddammit!<br />
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship!<br />
76. Harley or Crotch Rocket: Harley?<br />
77. Guitar or Drums: Guitar, i get the drums<br />
<br />
. : Have You Ever : .<br />
<br />
78. Kissed a STRANGER: naw<br />
79. Had major surgery: I guess<br />
80. Gone commando: XD<br />
81. Ran Away From Home: Nope, on the verge though<br />
82. Broken a bone: Nope<br />
83. Got an X-ray: der! I think everyone does sometime in their life!<br />
84. Been on a cruise: yes =]<br />
85. Broken Someone's Heart: I suppose so.<br />
86. Dumped someone: naw<br />
87. Cried When Someone Died: of course!<br />
88. Cried At School: naw<br />
<br />
. : Do You Believe In :<br />
<br />
89. God: I don't know.<br />
90. Miracles: no. everything happens for a resaon.<br />
91. Love at First Sight: I could back it up.<br />
92. Ghosts: OMG yes!<br />
93. Aliens: I suppose there is something out there. as for alians, Not little green critters with huge eyes.<br />
94. Soul Mates: yes =]<br />
95. Heaven: ehy yes I do =]<br />
96. Hell: yes<br />
97. Answered prayers: yes<br />
98. Kissing on The First Date: how culd you believe in this?! its a matter of oinion. Do you THINK you should kiss on the first date? Why no I don't =]<br />
99. Horoscopes: Hell no!<br />
100. Love: I faill to see the evidence.
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