- The Wonder That Is Bri's Gallery
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Well hello there!! Yew has entered the magical land of (Wait for it...) -Batman theme song- BreiLand! xD<br />
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Ohkai, so now that I haz made my awsome enterance I shall tell chu about meee!<br />
Obviously mai name is Brei, i'm basically just this crazy fifteen year old chick that sounds like she has a funky accent. (Which I do xD) I love to laugh and smile. I don't think i'm ever serious for long.. Which freaks the hell out of everybody! mrgreen <br />
I can be really random- Oh look! Butterfly! -chases it- ninja ninja ninja No one saw that.. Or i'll beat you with a spork 4laugh heart <br />
I can be really perverted sometimes (Especially when i'm hyper) I own a DinoNinja named Rexy (He's awsome biggrin )<br />
My friends are my reason for exsisting, because they take all my crazy and love me anyway (That's why they get to come out of the closet sometimes >_> Kidding!) <br />
I'm a major bookworm which really suprises people because I can't sit still, but I am!<br />
I always have my ipod with me, tapping my foot and singing along. My friends laugh because i'll start dancing xD c:<br />
Everybody knows me and I know them, I love helping and being there when you need me. It doesn't matter when or where to me. Just that I help. I tell the same thing to the boys, it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside but how you are on the inside.<br />
I swear like a sailor when i'm ticked off, i'm stubborn and loud and yet i'm loved 4laugh <br />
My brother is mai bestie fer EVA xD <333<br />
Jessie is mai bestfriend that I got admitted to a shopaholic Anyomous meeting (The girl parades arouns JC Penny for fun! -shudder-)<br />
Sam is my crazy hugable lovable random anime freak xD<br />
Mary is my Pokemon geek xD<br />
Paul is my Crack addict<br />
Josh my teddybehr<br />
Anna is mai lover<br />
Taylor is my get drunk with girl wink <br />
Steven is my hoe<br />
Tristans my bch<br />
Ashley's my pole dancer (loongg story wink )<br />
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FAQ's!<br />
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Q: Do youh have an accent?<br />
A: Yeaahh xD I haz teh country twang but I try and hide it so I’m understandable xD<br />
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Q:YOUR HAWT! Wanna make out?!?!<br />
A: o_o...*backs away* Er..No..*calls police* o_o<br />
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Q:Are youh a model??<br />
A: Nooopee, I dun starve myself either xD<br />
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Q:Where are you originally from?<br />
A: Small town in Texas, yes ima cowgirl! Suck it up! wink <br />
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Q: Did youh name Rexy after seeing Meet the Robinsons?<br />
A:Nooo! Rexy's name is origaninalll!! They stoleded it! >:[<br />
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Q: How old be yew?<br />
A: I be 15 babeh ;D<br />
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Q:Is yew taken?<br />
A: Yes, yes I is <3<br />
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Question: Which color be chur favoritee?<br />
Answer: PURPLE! it's so pretty! -smile-<br />
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Quotes that I Loveee!<br />
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If he's dumb enough to let you go, be smart enough to walk away.<br />
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My name must taste good, cuz it's always in somebody's mouth.<br />
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Don't fall for someone, unless they're willing to catch you.<br />
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Crazy? Yeah, you'll never forget me wink <br />
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Yes I do, threaten my computer, tell the TV what to do, yell at my hairbrush and talk to things that can't talk back! And you still love me!<br />
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I'm the girl your ex will hate, the girl your mother will love and the girl you'll want forever with.<br />
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You never know how strong your really are, until being strong is the only choice you have.<br />
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I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies to eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things come together.<br />
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Just because you have the emotional range of a TEASPOON doesn't mean we all do.<br />
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Judge me: and I’ll prove you wrong<br />
Tell me what to do: and i'll tell you off<br />
Say i'm not worth it: Watch where I end up<br />
Screw me over: And i'll do it to you twice as bad.<br />
Call me crazy? You have no idea.<br />
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-Brei (Miss me yet? ;3)<br />
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