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Artist Info:
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Please Leave Me A Comment If You Visit<br />
Maggie<br />
Improving artist.<br />
The art on my profile was made circa 2010; I've improved.<br />
I don't visit gaia much- but I'm still here, I promise.<br />
❤<br />
☯ Don't hate, meditate. ☮<br />
Rockin' this site since 2OO7 <br />
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Comments (10 Comments)
- Dir_en_glay - 08/20/2009
- what happened to all your amazing avis? i mean your pretentious descriptions make them look less crappy....who am i kidding i'm glad you'll never be in the arena, go ahead and vote against me, it's normal to lash out against those more talented
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- Dir_en_glay - 07/27/2009
- yeah i pointed out that you judging how my avi looked solely on my description was stupid and i stand by that, and i stand by my claim of going to the writing arena to judge writing an
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- Dir_en_glay - 07/08/2009
- if you're so desperate to read something go to the writing arena, the avi arena is for aesthetics (that means how something looks)...do me a favor and just ignore my account because i'd love gaia so much more if i never had to hear from you again
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- Ascended_Fallen - 05/15/2009
- Yeah, I know the white hair does seem a bit off . . . but I really didn't feel like changing my hair just for the sake of an entry ^^' which is why I tried to balance it with other items ^.^
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- Magnifique_un - 03/27/2009
- Well Oh How rude of me!! Where are my manners?.. Well thanks for your so called "positive" comment anywayz. And yes i did delete your comment.. Pathetic i know. And did i ask anyone to help improve my avi? No. I just wanted to know wat ppl thought about it. I didnt ask for anyones 2 sense. But thanks for adding yours.. I'll be sure 2 consider it in the future....... or not.
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- Magnifique_un - 03/27/2009
- Geez cant thank you enough for that suckish comment.... -_- At least its better than any of the other avitars you ever made.. Haha!!
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- rockinsoccergirl - 12/12/2008
- hey,whatsup? I LOVE YO AVI, MAGGIE!! biggrin
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