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  • Artist Info: I used to hide behind other identities. I used to suffer from severe depression, but when people would tell me, "You're depressed." I would tell them, "I'm not depressed. I have problems, and I just need solutions." One day, I was walking through the heavy rain. My clothes were soaked. The air was near freezing.<br />
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    I used the umbrella that I had brought to protect my bag, which probably had some of my writings and/or drawings or a book in them. A man came up behind me with a black umbrella. He told me he felt impressed to give it to me, and then said, "The Lord is searching for you."<br />
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    And I was searching for the Lord. To know God cared about me so much...I soon began working for Him again, but harder than ever. Doing door-to-door work. Then He called me to make a few changes to my life, including giving up fiction, and I did. My mind was free for a while, and I was able to work on, and others were able to work with me, on overcoming depression.<br />
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    I quit Gaia for a while, coming back on crusades against the things I had written, the role plays, etc. Soon, I decided to just let them rest for a while and leave them alone. I couldn't handle looking at them. I hate my old life. I was rude, a mean person, depressed, etc. I'm not perfect. I'm definitely still a work in progress, but the quality of life, especially in my thoughts, has improved since allowing the Lord to work in my life. And now, I am leaving again, this time for good. <br />
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    "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. " (John 8:32)<br />
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    I can be found at Give me Him, Cooking with Jessie-Jess or on DeviantArt. Good bye.<br />
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