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  • Artist Info:
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    I'm 80% Evil, Follows His Heart, 92% A Gentleman, A Seeker Soul, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.<br />
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    You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. <br />
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    You're romantic, sentimental, and emotional. You tend to fall in (and out of) love very quickly. Some may call you fickle, but you can't help where your emotions take you. You've definitely broken a few hearts, but you're not a heartbreaker by nature.<br />
    Your intentions are always good, even if they change with the wind. <br />
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    No doubt about it, you are a total gentleman. You please the pickiest ladies, and you make everyone in a room feel comfortable.<br />
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    You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges. You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions. Since you know so much, you make for an interesting conversationalist. Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!). Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others. And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you. You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically. Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas.<br />
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    You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things. Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments. You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it. You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle. You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. <br />
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