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  • Artist Info: Age mellows one out, I think myself a good example of that. . .<br />
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    It's an interesting thought, reading what I've put here before, laughing at how silly I was. Meh, I still have my hyperactive moments, but I see myself as more of a mellowed hippy faerie than the sugar crazed hyperactive pixie I once was. . .<br />
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    Neh, make that a mellowed faerie with an occasional mouth and decent roundhouse. xD<br />
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    I still like my purplies, I still adore mongooses, and I still want to dye my hair colors that would put glowsticks to shame, but along with that, I feel a bit. . .calmer. . .more. . .mature. . .<br />
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    Chyeah, right.<br />
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    Still not mature, but bleh, I'm getting thar. >.><br />
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    Woo, I'm now the big 20, le gasp. Course, doesn't help that almost all my friends are older than me by enough to be 21, and thus they have lurvely, legal access to booze. Bleh, I'll get thar eventually. xD<br />
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    I finally have tasted the power that is employment, and I miss it dearly. D: So whee, back on the job market I go. Anyone who might be a potential employer, hire me please? <3<br />
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    But yeah, besides being 20, I'm an easily bored, easily amused girl. I like my grammar and spelling, with exception to made up and purposely misspelled words that are a reflection on how I speak. Yesh, I do say there with that much of an emphasis, and yesh, I say yesh. xD<br />
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    I like trying almost any form of art you can toss at me, with an exception to watercolor. I still can't quite get the hang of that. >.> (Acrylic ftw. xD) I have a special place in my heart for digital art though. It continues to amaze me what the world is able to turn out with the aid of computers. It also amazes me how someone can draw glorious things on a computer and not be able to do anything irl and vice versa. xD (Well, the latter not so much. xD)<br />
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    On the subject of interwebs, I also enjoy surfing them, and trying the various things they offer, particularly MMOs. A glorious vice of mine. xD I'm a partaker of free ones, so you likely won't find me on WoW. xDD But try some other ones, I just might have an account thar, so i might add you. :3<br />
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    I have a few awesome and epic friends here, as well as family too. :3 You people know who you are, heck, you pretty much make up all of my friendslist! xD You're luffed, all of you, because luff is a fun thing to spread. <3 (Yes, luff, or fluffy love, pretty much love reserved for friends and family that doesn't have romance and passion tossed in thar. xD Don't like it, I don't care. My word and I'll dang well use it. ^^)<br />
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    So whee, that's me, or at least all I'll tell ya for now. Wanna know anything else? Well, you could try. . . talking to me? Don't worry I don't bite. :3 I kick. >:3 (j/k. . . .or am I? xD)
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