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Artist Info:
the name's cherille it rhymes with for real. there's not a lot to say about me. i'm FILIPINO AND PROUD OF IT!. i'm currently livin' in oregon, the beaver state. you don't need to know my age. i'm lovin' school so far, not the learning part, but the friends part. life's tough so far, but it's getting better. <br />
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likes- going on the computer, texting, school, nail polish, lip gloss, hanging out with friends, hanging out with family, making fun of my cousin, shopping, HAVING FUN, the sun, candy, hot pink, lime green, ocean blue,and a whole bunch of other stuff. <br />
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dislikes- mean people, posers, being broke, closing at my aunt's restaurant, boredom, gossip, rain, haters, gloomy days, getting sick, homework, scary people, and more. - Avg. rating:
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