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  • Artist Info: My name is Moira, but most call me Noodle.<br />
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    I enjoy roleplaying. (But not the kinky cyber roleplaying so if you send me one of those I will shoot joo!)<br />
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    My Bestest friend (On Gaia at least.) Iz Dumbadociousdodeyhead... I lurv her much!<br />
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    RyozeGuavaQueen Iz the most beautiful girl in my life and I love her and miss her so much.<br />
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    I love instant ramen, sushi, fried rice, and bassically anything that is involved with Asia (Even tho I'm not asian lol!) Like anime and manga and what not.<br />
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    My choice in music ranges from heavy metal such as Slipknot or Disturbed, to Japanese Screamo like Dir En Grey. I also like those funny songs like Banana phone, and the sitar song. I am also a huge fan of gothic opera such as nightwish.... I am also obsessed with the nightmare before christmas and Devil May Cry music.<br />
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    I enjoy drawing... tho I dont think I'm as good as people say I am. I like cosplaying, and photography... I mean who doesnt like playing around with cameras!?<br />
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    My favorite games are Devil May Cry 3, Kingdom Hearts 2, DDR, And thats about it.... Not much of a gamer.<br />
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    One of my biggest past times is reading.... I used to read nothing but Manga but lately my sister has gotten me into R.A. Salvator's Legend of Drizzt series..... Good books those are.... tho I'm only on, like book 6 of 16 in the Drizzt Series lol! You should get into it sometime.... It's perfect for people who're all into the whole fantasy dragons and elves sorta thing.<br />
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    My family isnt what you'd call picture perfect. I have dickhead of a "Father" Who doesnt pay child support living halfway across the globe. My oldest Sister will leave the house for a week or two and then just appear out of the blue. My older half brother decides he doesnt like the way mom makes the rules so he goes to live up in minnesota with his dad. My other sister is a bitch. And my moms bf's 11 year old son iz a real pain in my ass..... But other than that my Family's ok.<br />
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    When I get bored I usually sleep, draw, read, or roll around my bedroom floor hugging my giant stuffed penguin whilst screaming friendly mushroom....... Yea..... Tho you probably dont care about that..... Ok then moving on.<br />
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    I dont like homophobes, preps, or wannabes..... Or people who think I'm emo.... I mean cmon! Cant a girl like dark colors without being emo or gothic!?<br />
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    I love both cats and dogs...... and snakes.... but no spiders! Yuck!<br />
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    I have just recently learned that I am not supposed cut thru plastic packaging using brand new razor sharp knives..... *Holds up scarred finger* I learned it the hard way unforunately.<br />
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    If you hadn't noticed I'm a bisexual.... I'm pretty sure my friends rubbed off on me cuz I used to be straight.... <br />
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    I don't really like guys that much..... Unless they like other guys because 1, Gay guys are the coolest men around. and 2, Because I am a huge yaoi fan.... I like to read it.... A LOT!. My favorite fandom at the moment is AkuRoku (Axel and Roxas form Kingdom Hearts 2)<br />
    SoraRiku is my second favorite fandom... But not for the first KH Because I think Riku looks kinda fugly in the first one... But he'z uber smexy in the second one.<br />
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    I miss my ex girlfriend a lot crying <br />
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    I'm trying to become more positive and social, because I dont like people calling me emo, but it's so hard because of my clinical depression, and mah Bipolar disorder. Because of that I usually end up sleeping all day and I havent been eating as much....... But I'm not EMO... I'm just not as happy a person as I wanna be that's all.<br />
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    I have a deviantart account but I don't have a scanner or photoshop, but if you are interested in seeing any of my artwork when I do put it up the link will be right here --> http://do-a-happy-dance69.deviantart.com/<br />
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    My idols are Jubilations and ImageC0rrut3d/Blithegirl on deviantart. I've been practicing the same style as them and I'm getting pretty good at it but nowhere near as good as they are... But then again they're 18 and 20 and have a lot more experience than I do.<br />
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