• Living Murder Victim's Gallery
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    My name is Heather. <br />
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    I live in the tiny state of Maine. <br />
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    I have this thing, were if you talk in all text talk, I tend to ignore you. <br />
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    My friends are my life. They're what keeps me running on a day-to-day basis. <br />
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    Music is a must have. It solves more of my problems then I could ever do alone. <br />
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    My family is better than cable television. nuff said. <br />
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    If you want to know more, send me a message or comment, but if you want to hate, just leave. I ain't gonna deal with your shit. <br />
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    sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, speed, weed, birth control. lifes a bitch until you die, so fuck the world and let's get high !!<br />
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    User ImageInCaseOfAttack<br />
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