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  • Artist Info: Thanks to "damn im rich" for the black high school coat of awesomeness and the grunny of evilness<br />
    Thanks to "Yumi-chan-kun", AKA "Fizzyology", For being the person who dragged me out of my little hole and showed me the coolest friends on the planet!<br />
    And THANK YOU to "Subliminal Lord", AKA "SpankedPeanut", AKA "LoLz ItS mE x3", for the 2006 February ty!!!!!!<br />
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    You know, I have a life now! woot!<br />
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    Ok, All thank-yous are said and done, so now I shall tell you a bit about myself.<br />
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    Age? 18.<br />
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    Hobbies and other things I enjoy? I like to occasionally read, draw, go find lizards (when it's summer) and other critters, go out with my friends on a Saturday night, study math (even though I detest the subject) and some foreign language. I love artsy things, though I never finish my projects, it seems. Well, unless it's a painting-and even then..... you get the idea.<br />
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    Personality? I'm overly optimistic, now that I've gone and had a great life-changing summer of 2009, and annoyingly cheerful. I like to help people with small problems, but I'm not very good at that, so I smile awkwardly and apologize profusely when I cannot help. But somehow, people appreciate that, so it's all good. I am probably a little too caring, and will save a worm from drowning in a puddle if it's been raining, but maybe I'm imagining things. I also love to take care of hardy plants, such as many forms of cacti--you should see my collection!--and I have a Banzai plant, and a Rose bush that I received last year for my birthday when I arrived home from camp. It was a very late birthday gift, but I love my plant! It's over a year old now, and I think it's finally starting to like me when I water it and take care of it.<br />
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    Disorders? Trichotillomania. Tics, for short. It's a fancy medial term for people who pull out the hair upon their bodies. I've managed to get over this annoying disorder, though I occasionally have a relapse for a second or so and pull out one hair from my scalp, if frustrated, flustered, angry, or depressed. I also have a VERY light case of Aspberger's, which is a light form of autism, I suppose. Do some research, you might enjoy it, actually!<br />
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    I went to a camp called 森の池 three years in a row, this being my last year, because I'm too old, and had a blast! The background of my profile shows some of the photos from this summer.
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