• Neon_Black_Roses's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    Hello there. It seems you've stumbled across my profile. I'm not usually online on Gaia but when I am I enjoy the RP forums here and my friends, quite a bit. smile If you'd like to talk to me just send me a message. I'm shy but meeting new people is fun.<br />
    <br />
    A few extra details:<br />
    A passion of mine is to learn the guitar<br />
    I'm an artist and a writer<br />
    I'm punk/emo<br />
    I highly dislike immature people<br />
    I highly dislike pervs or people who pressure you into doing things<br />
    I love the colors black, purple and green<br />
    I don't do drugs (bleck! they really fuck you up)<br />
    T.V. isn't something I watch a lot of<br />
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