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  • Artist Info: -Well, this is an account I first started with LONG ago... I only use a certain one now, and it's not this one anymore. It says that from today, (April 1st, 2010,) this account is officially 928 days old. Yeah, that's almost 3 years. Awesomeness. <br />
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    *Starting from today is where I changed my name from "trixie12321" to "mysoul1".*<br />
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    -A ton of crap and hacking got to this account, and I had a Kiki Kitty (which is still pretty expensive) that I was going to sell for major gold. I was pretty pissed when I couldn't get back in it... sad But then, about a year later, I found some cool admin on here that let me reset the password to the account, allowing me to get back on here. But during that time, I had made another account that I was getting rich on, so this one wasn't really worth getting back (except for the kitty, of course). <br />
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    -So, that's it. I'm currently a senior in High School, but the time is nearing for graduation! Time seems to be passing faster and faster every year, and I am ruining my health by staying up late on the computer every night and procrastinating on my homework. <br />
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    -One thing that I am proud to state is that I am reading the Book of Mormon, and I feel I am gaining a stronger testimony for myself, so life is easier to live in that sense. biggrin
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