• “Wha-what’s going on?” I asked fuzzily as I opened my eyes. All my memories were fuzzy and jumbled together. The only thing I remembered clearly was being with my boyfriend James. He was talking, but I couldn’t hear anything, and all I felt was pain, pain from him. What did he do, I thought as I examined the room from the floor that was all sticky. As I looked, I spotted a fuzzy figure that was covered in red.
    “James, what’s wrong? You’re bleeding, what’s wrong?” I said in a daze that my mind couldn’t escape from. “Alexys, can you hear me, Alexys?” he said while he bent over me. “Why are you-you bleeding?” I murmured, feeling more and more pain dripping into me. “It’s not me, it’s you. Oh Alexys, I’m sorry, so sorry, Alex.” He whimpered with blood and water covering his face.
    “There’s so much, so much blood. What happened” I started saying, but was cut off by a sudden searing pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw a slash there by a knife. “Oh my gosh, what did you do to me!?” I screamed, partly from the pain making me want to scream. “I-I’m so sorry, I was just-just so angry. I’m sorry!” he cried over me as I remembered what happened.
    I was sitting on the kitchen table that was white marble in my house when all of a sudden I heard the door to my living room crashed down. “Hello” I called “who’s there?” I heard footsteps that were rapid and loud. Someone was running towards me. Scared, I hid under the counter as the footsteps grew louder and louder. “Alexys where are you!” a familiar voice yelled right above the counter. “James?” I asked in a little voice.
    Suddenly, he jumped the counter and faced me in one swift movement. “You! Why, why did you cheat on me! Why?” I looked confusedly at him. Cheating, what is he talking about? I would never cheat on him. “What are you talking about, I’d never cheat on you.” I said shaking. He shook his head and turned around. He threw open a few drawers that crashed loudly to the floor, and grabbed something long and silvery. A knife. “James, put that down. What are you doing? St-stay back.”
    He approached me with a horrifying scowl on his face and raised the knife above me. I shied away into the back of the counter and stared wide eyed as he spit out the words. “You liar, Jesse told me you were cheating. Why, why would you do that? What did I do to deserve this?” my lips trembled as I spoke “I would never ever cheat. Why won’t you believe me?”
    He kneeled down in front of me and, as if in slow motion, he raised the knife and aimed it at my heart. I let out a screech as he shoved it down on me and hitting my stomach. “Now you will pay, pay for cheating.” He screamed it and twisted the knife. He sat down, backing away with his face vacant for a minute.
    Then all of a sudden, his face showed horror as he pulled out the knife and dropped it with a clink to the floor. “What have I done?” he said as he put his bloody hands to his face. No, no, no why oh why did he do this? I thought feeling weaker and weaker by the second. My sight went in and out of focus, and I felt my eyelids droop. The last thing I saw before being temporarily shadowed by darkness was James picking up a phone and dialing a number.

    Remembering that, I started crying at his betrayal. Outside I could hear sirens from an ambulance blaring loudly and I realized that he was dialing 9-1-1. At least he did something right. All of a sudden there were lots of voices and men in scrubs around us. James had been rocking back and forth on the floor and when the men tried to get him up, he screamed and jumped on top of me. “No leave me alone, leave me alone right now! Alexys wake up, open your eyes please.” He yelled.
    I wasn’t aware my eyes had closed, so I struggled unsuccessfully, to open them. So instead I listened as much as I could with my feelings and abilities to hear and see vanishing. “…lost to much blood…sorry it’s too late…no I tried she won’t respond” I heard one say. Then I felt warm hands on my wrists that I didn’t feel before. They were just lightly pressed on and when they let go, I heard James scream in agony, who sounded like he was far away.
    All my pain slowly subsided and my body drifted, drifted away.
    I woke up in a white room. I looked around and saw a boy that was familiar. Daniel, who had been killed a few years ago from a car accident. Daniel started walking and said over his shoulder, “Follow me, I have to show you this so you can go on to heaven.” Heaven, I thought, oh I’m I’m dead. Some reason I couldn’t be sorry. Reluctantly I followed the boy to the door.
    I realized I was in my church and no one noticed me come in. I looked around and saw that everyone was in black except a few cops in the back dressed in dark blue. There was someone up front talking, but I couldn’t hear him. “Where am I?” I asked. Daniel turned and pointed to a casket up front. I walked up and looked in there.
    No, I thought, that’s that’s me. I looked around and saw a familiar face, mom. I ran to her and gave her a hug. She didn’t look up. “She can’t see or hear you, no one can.” Daniel said softly. I looked desperately around, hoping to be noticed when I spotted someone crying separated from everyone else. I walked over to him and recognized his hair. James.
    As if I called his name, he looked up and I stared at him not knowing whether to be furious or sad at first. His face was red and covered with tears and his eyes were swollen from crying. “Look” Daniel said pointing to his wrists that were cut, “They did this to him” then I looked at him and squared my shoulders “No he did this. That’s what you get from listening to rumors.” Then I turned and walked back to the room, and up to heaven.