• As I sat with my face completely planted on the televison I heard a somewhat odd but familiar noise.It was like something you can't understand but feel as if you known what it is.Kris got up and headed for the door he could have sworn he heard a rattling up stairs but he did't quite care at a moment like that.Once opened though he found something quite extrodinary for his house was not on the fresh grass or not on the same country nor planet.It was just vast and bright nothing but brightness,as he witnessed in awe he also felt fear inside him.So he immediatly slamed the door,so he just decided to resume what he was doing but to late instant flashing light.Once he saw what it was he was shocked,They were both wearing dark cloaks,they also appeared to be 4 years then himself."Hi I'm Brad said one stranger and this is Nicky"Kris immediatly said hi,"sorry about the lights we thought they got here before us" said Brad "Sorry to break up the conversation but we better get going" nicky said "from what?" Kris said "oi you dont want to know"......

    To be continued