• Journey of the forbidden destinations

    Old Friends

    Three young witches walked through the beach, trying to find Dr. Elm Street, as they laughed and joked. Once they found it, they saw a small orange house. They entered through the door and said, “Ummm…hi! Is anyone home?”
    A small, tiny, and fragile voice responded, “Why, my darlings you’re finally here! Come in! Come in.”
    The tallest witch entered the room first, “My goodness! Is that you Laila? Time has sure make you grow up so much!” said the old lady with a face full of excitement and a smile that even the coldest and cruelest person in earth would turn happy and soft heartened.
    “Thank you Ali” responded Laila.
    The second witch entered the small room, “And I’m guessing you’re Lory, right?”
    “Well, it’s been so long and the only thing that has changed is your hair, didn’t it used to be purple?” asked Ali.
    “Times change Ali” said Lory.
    The third and final girl came inside, “Oh my! Oh my! There is no mistake! You’re Lafima!” “Last time I saw you it was five years ago and you haven’t changed a bit!”
    “Thanks” said Lafima.
    But the three girls became depressed when they saw their old friend on a bed, sad and ill. “Is there anything we can do to make you feel better?” asked Lory.
    You could make me some Tea of Strength, but I’m afraid I’m out of ingredients. Could you bring them for me?” asked Ali.
    “Of course!!” All 3 of them yelled at once.
    When Ali finished explaining everything they hurried to their brooms and flew as fast as they could to the first forbidden destination, The Lake of Angel Tzuki; goddess of water and air.

    The Lake

    The lake was closer and closer and as they arrived, Lory wasted no time she jumped off her broom and hurried to the angel’s home. But she stopped before entering so that the sisters where able to catch up to her. “What’s going on? Why do we stop?” asked Lafima.
    “It’s locked” responded Lory.
    “So, open it” said Lafima.
    “Fine”. She pointed her finger towards the door and a bright light appeared, but nothing happened. This time the 3 sisters pointed to the door and a brighter light appeared, the door flew open and a huge crash was heard all over the place.
    “Who dares to disturb me, the goddess of air and water!!” yelled the Angel Tzuki.
    “Umm... angel Tzuki?” asked Lory.
    “What do you want!” screamed the angel.
    “Our friend Ali is really sick and in the corner of death, could you give us one of your feathers?” asked Lory.
    “Fine, but you must first answer this question.”
    “SURE!!” Lory yelled.
    “What flies at night, is blind and has no feathers!?”

    “Umm…a bat?” responded Lory.
    “That was just luck, here have your feather” said Tzuki. The angel pulled one of her feathers from her wing and gave it to the girls.
    “Thank you! Thank you!” yelled Lory as she ran out the door.
    “No problem just don’t ever bother me again!” Tzuki yelled back.
    “Wow that was scary!” said Lory.
    “At least we got the feather” replied Laila.
    “Where do we go from here?” asked Lafima.
    “Umm…oh! The Desert of No Temptations…should be 17 miles from here so let’s hurry” responded Lory.

    The desert

    “I hate flying!” yelled Laila, trying to get all of the squashed mosquitoes off her face.
    “It’s your fault! I told you not to pass trough that weird looking cloud!” yelled Lory.
    “Hey! Look guys there’s the desert!” said Lafima. The three witches jumped off their brooms and landed on a hill of sand a few feet from the main gate. Suddenly after they gave the first step a weird green light appeared and after it, the phrase;
    Beware, if you’re tempted,
    Your sweetness will become sour,
    And never again will you smile.
    And never again will you smile…
    Suddenly the green light vanished and the girls where blank. “What just happened?” asked Lafima.
    Lory was scratching her head trying to remember what the green light said, but Laila was just standing, whispering under her breath, “And never again will you smile”.
    All of a sudden Laila stared at her sisters and said, “Guess it’s my turn” with a fake smile on her face.
    “You can’t go in there!” yelled Lory at Laila. “Didn’t you hear? It’s too dangerous!”
    “But Lory, we have to get the next object, and…I want to go in there.”
    “But…” interrupted Lory.
    “Let her go” Said Lafima. “Laila is the strongest and oldest, it would be difficult to be tempted if temptations can’t over power you.”
    “Ok then, guess it’s my turn” said Laila as she began to walk towards the gate. “Good luck” whispered Lory, but Laila had already crossed the gate.


    “Where am I?” asked Laila, but no one answered. “Its all dark, where should I go?” “What should I do?” Suddenly a small dot appeared out of nowhere, and Laila started to follow it. Soon she came closer and closer to what seemed to be a door, she opened it and saw an incredible desert full of green sand. It seemed to be night time but it was full of light coming from its 5 times bigger earth’s moon. The view was unbelievable it was beautiful.
    That’s when it all started, a huge sand storm had begun, and Laila couldn’t see a thing. She started to run and run but it made no difference, the sand was like needles hitting her face, arms, legs, and body. The pain was horrifying and the fast moving sand was worse. She couldn’t take it anymore, she was about to pass out when the sand suddenly stopped, but it wasn’t falling back to the ground it just stayed there, floating around. But sill Laila fell to the ground thankful that the sand had stopped
    All in a blink of an eye the sand turned into actual needles and moved towards Laila at full speed, she couldn’t move and then…


    “It’s dark again, what happened?” Laila asked herself. It was quiet no sound but the one of sand moving away from her. The pain was agonizing; she could feel every spot where the needles had gone through her. There was silence, nothing but darkness and silence, until a voice ended that silence.
    “Huh, they never listen. I warn them but what do they do? They come in any way! Seems I have another one, oh well.” The voice continued speaking but Laila was to weak to hear it the voice seemed to get lower and lower but, Laila couldn’t think straight her own thoughts slowly abandoned her until Leila’s lifeline was broken, she was gone.
    The voice continued speaking to Laila’s corpse, but a few seconds later it stopped, “Come out! Who ever you are!” the voice yelled at the door still open. Suddenly Laila came inside! “What?! How can you be here when your supposed to be dead?!” yelled the voice.
    “Huh, a simple cloning spell, first grade magic.” responded Laila.
    “I see, a witch aren’t you?’ said the voice.
    “You got that right” answered Laila.
    “I’m Iro god of lightning and fire, who are you?” asked the voice.
    “I’m Laila” she responded.
    “Well Laila you passed the no temptations test, what did you want?” asked Iro.
    “I want the chocolate apple you guard” said Laila.
    “The apple?” Well since you passed I’m supposed to give it to you so here”. After Iro gave the apple to Laila she was ready to go but first she had to ask him a question, “Umm…Iro how did you noticed I was behind the door?” asked Laila.
    “ Well you see, when the clone came inside, the door didn’t vanish as its supposed to, so it only meant that there was someone else in the other side” Responded Iro.
    “Now, how come you didn’t come inside when the door appeared?” asked Iro. “Umm…well the name of the desert is desert of no temptations and when the door appeared, the whole thing was clear, all you wanted was to make me curious and tempt me to open the door where a huge trap would be waiting for me, so I made a clone of myself to see what happened ” Answered Laila. “Well thanks for the apple, bye” said Laila.
    “Well bye, nice meeting you Laila” said Iro.

    The Village in the Mountain of Gold

    As Laila came out and crossed the gate, her sisters came running towards her to see if she was still smiling. Laila gave a little laugh and said, “Come on one more object and we can go safe Ali!”
    “Of course!” yelled Lory.
    “Yay!! It’s my turn!!” said Lafima. So the witches got to their brooms and flew as fast as they could to the village. And to their surprise the name of the town said it all. The town actually was on top of a mountain made completely out of gold. Lafima jumped off her broom and started running, but stopped as soon as she remembered that she had no idea of where to go.
    “Ummm…guys where we go?” asked Lafima.
    “We must go to the troll’s underworld” Lory responded. But as soon as Lory said the word underworld, Lafima turned pale and horrified.
    “Lafima we can all go together if you want, you don’t have to go alone” said Laila.
    “Ok thanks” responded Lafima.
    The girls walked trough the forest of fear in the middle of the mountain and the golden river (made out of melted gold). They were finally there, the main entrance a freaky cave full of bats and pointy rocks. They walked and walked deeper and deeper into the cave finally getting to what seemed the core of the whole mountain
    “Ok, Lafima this is the entrance do you want to go alone or with us?” asked Lory.
    “I want you to come with me” she said.
    The 3 witches were ready to enter when a troll stopped them, “Who do you think you are, to enter my home!!” said the troll.
    “Umm…Ms. Troll lady, are you Aqua?” asked Lafima.
    “Well, what a rude way to talk to a goddess, and yes I’m Aqua, goddess of earth and life!!” yelled the troll.
    “Sheesh! Lady have some manners! You don’t talk to your visitors like that! You’re the rude one in here!” responded Lafima. Aqua was shocked and with her mouth wide open of surprise.
    Then Aqua yelled back, “Who the rubbery rubber do you think you are? And why do you remind me of Ali so much?!”
    “You know Ali?” interrupted Lory.
    “Of curse I know Ali!! I hate her!! She told me that she would visit me on Tuesday and guess what? It’s Friday! She never came!” continued Aqua.
    “Umm…you do know that Ali is really sick, right?” asked Laila.
    But before Aqua could answer, Lafima interrupted, “Oh!! So that’s why Ali told us to tell Aqua that she was sorry for not coming! I get it!!” “Oh, Aqua, Ali said that she was sorry for not arriving on Tuesday!”
    And with an annoyed and sarcastic face Aqua responded, “No, really?” “Yeah!” said Lafima “She’s really sick and about to die! And she will if we don’t take her some white gold!” Lafima continued.
    Suddenly Aqua changed her sarcastic face into a serious one and went inside her house. Two minutes later she came out with a bag full of white gold. And gave it to the girls, but first she said, “Take this to Ali, and save her! Cause if you don’t you will have to face my wrath!” The 3 girls turned pale, said good bye and ran away as fast as they could.

    The Return

    The witches arrived to the small orange home and started the tea of strength at once. They first put the feather in a pot and put the pot in the stove. Next they put the chocolate apple in the pot as well and then the gold. They waited until the apple and gold melted, mixing, and creating the tea. When the tea was done they gaved it to Ali, as she was drinking it the girls waited with anticipation for the results. Soon Ali was as good as new she started to jump all around as if she was a kid again, the girls were happy that their friend wasn’t a goner, but it was time to go. They said long good byes, and flew towards the sunset where their next adventure was awaiting them.

    The End