• The kingdom of Garandra was a bright and prosperous kingdom, enjoying many riches that were made from the fertile soil that produced large quantities of crops that could be sold off to other lands and still have enough for the villagers to eat. Located on the foothills of the Larenchian Mountains and surrounded by a vast citadel made of white stone; the jewel of the city came from the mighty castle of the Garandrian Royal Family. Spires made from marble reached up and pierced the sky, and circled around the main central spire that made up the Royal Household.
    The people lived in peace, and they cherish the Queen Morvahna and Princess Kaya of Garandra as two shining deities that will lead the people into a new age and that will protect them from any and all evil.

    The streets of Garandra were the favourite place for Princess Kaya to be during the day when she was not studying or training with the Knights. Kaya was a tall and slender girl, no older than twenty three years. She had short brown hair that covered part of her crystal blue eyes. She was dressed in more practical garbs consisting of brown leather trousers and a brown and green short top that covered all but her stomach and arms. Green tribal symbols marking her birthright of the Garandrian Royal Family were tattooed onto both arms which seemed to glow when ever she was around nature. A long flowing dark green cloak was draped across her shoulders and a hood was nestled within Kaya’s hair.
    Walking through the streets, she watched as many people smiled and bowed down to her as they realised she was the princess. Kaya was used to it after all the years of playing in the streets with some of her friends. She continued to walk through the streets and turned towards some stables and with a small smile; she walked towards the open doors and stepped inside.

    Two rows of horses were all resting within the confounds of large haystacks and the dark wooden fencing that separated each horse from one another. The air was filled with the smell of the horse’s leavings, but Kaya was used to that after the amount of hours she had spent in the stables. She walked through the straight that separated the two rows from one another and looked into the last stall to see a large, fully grown brown horse with gleaming eyes and a long flicking tail as the horse became restless and uneasy with every little movement Kaya made.
    “Eldritch, you’re looking amazing as usual. Come on easy boy” Kaya said with a soft voice as she found a horse brush on the stall doors and walked inside.
    The size difference between the two of them wasn’t much, but Eldritch was just a bit taller than Kaya, but only because of his larger neck size. Kaya started to brush Eldritch’s coat down and started to sing an old song her mother sang to her when she was little.

    “Our hearts yearn for freedom
    From the fears that lie ahead
    Darkness shall befall us
    Yet we cannot hide, we cannot lie
    The fears of those around us,
    And the strength that they imbue us with
    Will always be the key,
    To helping us be free”

    Her soothing voice helped Eldritch calm down and settles as Kaya finished the song and Eldritch quickly stopped Eldritch from his moment of restlessness. From Kaya’s memories, it was a melody that helped calm her during the storms that passed in the autumn months and it always helped her fall asleep when ever she heard it.
    “Who’s in here?” Kaya heard a deep voice call out from the entrance of the stables and it started to grumble while its heavy footsteps came towards her stall. “I’m warning you, if your looking for trouble you’ve came to the wrong place! Now get out here!” he shouted out and Kaya simply stopped brushing and walked out of the stalls to see a tall, middle aged man stand their with a wooden hammer gripped tightly in one hand, and a scimitar in the other hand. He had an uneven complexion mixing pale and tanned skin tones in different places. He was wearing a green tunic and a pair of brown cotton riding trousers and on his feet he was wearing a pair of thick worn out boots. “Princess Kaya! Forgive me I did not know it was you in here” he quickly changed his voice and bowed down in front of her while Kaya started laughing with glee from what just happened. “It’s quite alright Talon, I shouldn’t have come in here without your permission or at least without telling you I was here” Kaya apologised herself as she knew she was in the wrong about trespassing into Talon’s stables. “It’s just that I wanted to see Eldritch and find out how he is” Kaya explained as she out the brush down and looked towards Eldritch’s glittering eyes. “Well you’ll be happy to know Eldritch is a healthy young stallion, but with his current leg as it is he will not be riding any long distances for at least another week”
    “I don’t know how I can ever repay you Talon, you’ve been the best help I could ever ask for” Kaya said as she placed the palm of her hand on Eldritch’s nose and felt the energies between the two of them transfer from one to another. It was an amazing site to behold; Kaya’s tattoos glowed brightly, illuminating the stables and over powering the yellow light that seeped through the gaps in the wood to make the building. A small wind picked up and lifted some of the hay that was around them as Kaya felt an incredible surge of energy from within both her and Eldritch. Such was the bond that every Garandrian born citizen has with the elements of nature and had helped them control and calm even the most temperamental of animals. “I wish I was born with that” Talon stated as the wind died down and was replaced with a calm silence and the same yellow light that filled the barn before Kaya started. “No matter how many times I witness you do that, it always amazes me”
    “Well, maybe there will come a time when you start to feel the same effects that I do” Kaya stated, trying not to offend Talon or boast the fact that she is able to interact with nature. “I don’t mean to sound rude Princess Kaya, but shouldn’t you be getting ready for the banquet tonight?” Talon asked as he remembered hearing all the hype surrounding the Royal Banquet that was being hosted in the palace later in the evening. “My mother is going to send me a message through the crystal network when she wants me to return. Tell me Talon; will you and Aurelia be attending this evening?” Kaya asked as she was hoping that they could attend the evening. “I wish I was princess, but unfortunately we haven’t received an invitation yet” Talon answered and Kaya started to think about how she could get Talon and Aurelia invited to the party and then an idea came to mind. “Don’t loose hope yet Talon, you might be going. Eventually I will get a message from the Queen asking to come back to the palace. When I return I’ll talk to her about inviting you both to the banquet. If you’re allowed I’ll organise a messenger to see you immediately and give you the news” Kaya offered and Talon was speechless at Kaya’s generosity and kindness that she was showing to him and his wife. “We’d be honoured Princess. I don’t know how we could repay you”
    “Don’t even think about it Talon. You and your family have served the Royal Family ever since you arrived in Garandra with unflinching loyalty and I feel it was unacceptable that no one would recognise your accomplishments” Kaya told him with pride in her voice as Talon bowed down in front of her with a smile as Kaya rested her hand on his arm. “Rise Talon, you have no need to bow before me” Kaya told him and laughed quietly. “Thank you Princess, you’ll make a great queen when the time comes” Talon claimed and Kaya blushed will going through her thoughts. “Well I must be off Talon, my mother is beckoning me back to the palace” Kaya finished as Talon took a final bow for Kaya and she left the stables, quietly laughing as she walked on.

    Kaya was only just getting used to the psychic network that extended through the kingdom. A vast network that was forged more than four hundred years before Kaya was even born. The only things she knew was that every member of the Garandrian Royal Family were born with a link that connects them to the psychic network, and that some of the normal citizens of Garandra have the same link but she didn’t care. Royal Protocol had dominated most of her life, ever since turning five all she’s known was how to act around the people. It wasn’t until the age of eighteen when she started to act differently.
    Shrugging the thought off, Kaya continued down the same streets she passed before entering the stables and before she knew it, the chirping sounds of birds could be heard all around her, but as Kaya looked towards the directions of the sounds, she saw no birds, and the skies were empty except for a few clouds the drifted by.
    “I must be loosing it” Kaya thought to herself as she tried to find any birds that were perched on the shop stalls.
    “Excuse me Princess, but are you alright?” an elderly woman with long grey hair and wrinkled skin that was watching one of the stalls walked over towards her. Her purple dress was close to rags but was held together by a brown wool cloak. “I’m fine, it’s just that…” Kaya stopped for a moment, thinking about what to say next. “Tell me, have you seen any birds lately? Maybe in the past couple of days” Kaya asked as the old woman started to think about it but ended up shaking her head, and disappointing Kaya. “I’m afraid not Princess. There hasn’t been a bird in Garandra for weeks, not since the last traders came through” she answered and Kaya looked up to the skies once more. “Is something wrong Princess?”
    “No, it’s just that I could have sworn I heard birds from around here” Kaya answered as she turned towards the old woman. “I guess I’m loosing it” she added with a smile that brought up a smile in the old woman aswell. “Don’t loose hope Princess Kaya, eventually the birds will return to the people of Garandra and when that day comes; peace shall at last come to the people” the old woman claimed and took Kaya’s hand. “But with the bird noises themselves; I think I may know what caused them. May I have a moment of your time?” she asked and Kaya knew that although her mother would be waiting but she had a duty to fulfil to the citizens of Garandra and that meant listening to what ever they had to say. “Of course” Kaya simply answered and followed the woman to her stall.
    Many sparkling trinkets dazzled the stall, some Kaya recognised to be Garandrian design, yet others were hard to recognise and she guessed that they came from distant lands. One trinket caught her eye however; a pair of bird’s wings surrounding a red jewel attached to a chain of black gold.
    “I had a feeling you would notice that one. It is a very special peace of jewellery that I’ve been keeping until the right time” she commented as Kaya took a closer look at the jewel. “It’s beautiful. Where is it from? I don’t recognise the design”
    “It’s early Garandrian design; probably around one thousand years old. It is believed that this will call upon an ancient Dragon Spirit to aid the royal family in its greatest time of need” the old woman told Kaya as she placed it in a velvet box. “I want you to have it Princess” those words took Kaya by surprise as she wasn’t expecting any kind of gift from the citizens. “I cannot accept this, not without giving you something in return”
    “Don’t be so silly Princess. I have been waiting for the time to pass this on to its rightful owner. You are a member of the Royal Family and I feel this is the perfect time to hand this on” the old woman finished and handed the box to Kaya, cupping it within her hands. “You will need it Princess, and to protect Garandra I would do anything and give everything I had to help” she continued while letting go and taking a step back. “Now I’m sure you have been summoned by Queen Morvahna so it would be best to not keep her waiting” the old woman finished and bowed to Kaya. “Thank you” Kaya replied, and out of politeness she bowed back, taking a couple of steps back before leaving her view.

    The Royal Palace was vast and tall, reaching far above into the sky and going higher than the mountains that surrounded Garandra. Guards were stationed all around the walls and foot soldiers were regularly practicing drills and combat training. Kaya walked through the courtyard, gripping the box the old woman gave her, hoping to understand what it meant.
    Kaya walked into the private chamber; the crystal walls illuminated a deep purple glow from all around, caused by the psychic energy that was emanating from the members of the Royal Household and the staff alike. A circle of red velvet cushions was set at the centre of the chambers; all placed around a levitating orb that frequently changed colours. Queen Morvahna sat opposite the orb, kneeling down and focusing upon the energy. She was dressed in a crimson skirt, with a black bodice done up tight enough to the point that she could only just breathe. Her hair was a dark chestnut colour with a few grey hairs that could only just be seen. Despite the age of sixty seven, Queen Morvahna kept her youth and looked to be around the age of thirty five.
    Kaya knelt down on the cushion next to her mother and focused her own psychic energy into the orb, waiting for a response from her mother about why Kaya was summoned to the Private Chambers during her free time.
    “You’re late” Queen Morvahna stated with a deep and stern voice. “I’m sorry mother, but you didn’t exactly set an exact time for me to arrive” Kaya answered back as both pairs of crystal blue eyes met. “Besides, I was talking to some of the citizens”
    “Do you know what your father would have said if he knew you did that?” Queen Morvahna asked as she turned to face Kaya. “He would have said you were well on your way to becoming a great queen” Morvahna claimed and both burst in laughter, filling the chamber with a positive aura as they both tried to calm themselves from the state of hysteria. “Oh gods that the first time I’ve laughed like that all week” Queen Morvahna stated as Kaya wiped a tear from her eye and looked towards her mother. “So why did you want me back so early? The Banquet isn’t for another 3 hours yet” Kaya queried as she looked into the glowing orb, watching the movements of the psychic energy flow through an invisible liquid contained in the glass.
    “I know; I wanted you to be ready for the banquet so you can join me in welcoming our guests” Queen Morvahna answered, and with an almost sour look on her face; Kaya looked towards her mother and stared into her eyes.
    “I need to know, is this banquet just a way of getting me to meet a nobleman from a different land so I can marry him when I become the queen?” Kaya asked and waited for her mother’s response.
    “Of course not, this is a chance to strengthen our relationship with the other kingdoms” Queen Morvahna answered and Kaya was reluctant to accept it, so she thought of another question that she knew would determine the meaning of the evening’s banquet. “Well I just have one more thing to ask you” Kaya began with a small smile on her face. “Do I have the choice in what I wear to the banquet tonight?”
    “I’ve already sorted something out for you” Queen Morvahna answered and Kaya sighed as she began to listen to what she would wear for the evening. “Your outfit will be the usual formal clothing; which includes that standard inner gown along with a ruby coloured outfit consisting of a bodice with long, tight fitting sleeves, a full length skirt and a surcoat adorned with your personal heraldry along with the Royal Bronze Circlet” Queen Morvahna finished and Kaya sighed with reluctance as she knew what her mother was planning with the evening. “I assume you’ll be extending my hair” Kaya commented as she flicked it up from the confines of her cloak. “Yes, I have arranged for the growing crystals to be taken to your room, and when everything is complete your hair is going to be braided in the normal fashion for Banquets” Queen Morvahna answered and Kaya sighed, and decided to just let it happen, seeing as it was going to eventually. “Oh, before I forget I needed to ask you if Talon and his wife would be allowed to come to tonight’s Banquet.” Kaya asked as she remembered offering Talon the opportunity. “What’s brought this request to mind?”
    “Well I was in the stables and Talon asked me about the Banquet and I wondered if he had received an invitation. He told me that he never received one, and I thought that seeing as his family have served the Royal Family for generations that we should celebrate and give thanks to that service” Kaya answered and the Queen began to consider her proposal. Kaya was right; Talon had even served her long before Kaya was born so it would be fitting if they did come to the banquet. “I’ll dispatch a messenger to the stables to give them the news, they are more than welcome” Queen Morvahna concluded and Kaya bowed slightly to her mother before getting up from the chamber. “Are you going to get ready my daughter?”
    “Well I don’t mean to sound rude, but I have nothing better to do” Kaya answered and walked towards the exit of the chamber.