• "Kyaa! Kyaa!" The girls cried. "Daichi-sama will notice my hairsyle, ne?!" "Ha! You don't stand a chance against my beautiness!" "Ooo.. I wish Daichi-sama notices me!" "That's right! I heard he's going to pick a girl to go out with him!"

    I went to go to my locker but...

    "KYAA!! DAICHI-SAMA!!!" The girls toppled and tripped over each other.

    "Ow, ow, ow! Get OFF me!" I yelled at them while pushing them off. While being neglected I saw this short girl about 16, the same age as me. staring at me.. She seems like she doesn't go to this school by her clothes. She was absolutely beautiful. By her medium dark brown hair and tanish skin, and her dark brown eyes staring at me. She just wore white. A white dress. I wonder why?

    "BRIIINGG!!" The bell alarmed. "Kyaa! We're going to be late!" As they all got off.

    When I got up and dust off the dirt on my clothes I saw the girl infront of me. "ACK!" I cried.

    "Eh..? You can see me...?" She asked tilting her head. "You don't have the eyes though.."

    "Nani!?" I cried looking around. My classmate went through her and talked to me.

    "OI! Daichi-kun. Aren't you going to class?" he asked. I was in shocked. Can it be?

    "Haru! Ano.. Excuse me!" I said as I pushed him a side. Then, I realized the girl was gone.

    "What's wrong?" Haru asked me. "Nani? You didn't see that girl?" I asked.

    "What girl..?"

    "This girl that was about ye high and had brown hair!"

    "You must be seeing things Daichi-kun.."

    "But.. She was just right THERE!"

    Don't you mean behind you?

    "ACK!" I yelled.

    "Nani?! What happened?!" He panicked as I glanced at him.

    "She's right there..! Eh!?" She was suddenly gone. "DAMMIT! How come I'm the only one who can see her!?"

    "Daichi, we really need to go to class." Haru said nervously.

    "Dammit...." I scoffed.