• I clambered down the alley, over the bodies of transients and junkies who have finally broken their ties with life. There is a reason why this place is called Hells Gate. Murders and suicides are commonplace here. One day, hopefully, I'll get used to the sight of bodies lying on the pavement and the sickening stench of rotting corpses and blood-stained walls. I left the alley and came upon a cathedral made of huge black stones. Gargoyles, carved with such life like features you'd feel like they could rend the flesh from your very body, stood guard around the roof top. I pushed through the large wooden doors and strode down the aisle. The priest at the altar turned his milky sightless eyes towards me. "Do you come seeking forgiveness, my child?" He said in a grave voice. "Yes. Forgive me Father, for I'm about to sin." I said as I drew my gun and put two slugs in the priest's chest. I left the church and headed back into the alley. Personally, I have nothing against religion. But religion gives people hope, and that's the last thing a person needs in a place like Hells Gate.