• Rain falls as I look outside the window...

    My name is John, and I am a fugitive. I have been running away from police officers and private agents for a long time now... So long that I have forgotten my family name. There is nothing left for me in this world but myself. I didn't expect the government to be so cruel as to confine my family in an underground facility. My beloved wife and children. I can never see them again. Telling you about my life would be telling you why I am in a condition like this.

    One day when I was walking the boulevard of the big apple, there was a guy running towards me, hands wet with a red liquid. For some reason he bumped into me and gave me what I think was a gun. When he passed it to me I noticed that he was wearing gloves. Then 3 people wearing black suits took me on the ground and said "You are under arrest for killing one of the most revered secret agents of America" I was shocked the moment I heard those words. I told them what happened to me back at the boulevard but they never believed me. So I had no other choice but to fight for my innocence. But they never took it to court. In fact what they are trying to do with me now was to kill me. They were trying to erase my very existence. I couldn't believe what was happening to me right now. I couldn't believe how harsh the government could be at times... I couldn't believe how someone could be so... Mean as to kill someone... Of course those thoughts were my thoughts before this all happened. Now the only thing that I think of is myself. Like that guy who killed the secret agent, like everyone else in this world. I will think nothing but my self from now on. I don't care about whether what happens to everyone else around me whether they are nice or mean. I don't care anymore, I don't care whether they die as long as I live. I don't care....

    As the days passed by, something bizarre was taking place.

    Again I look outside the window to see the sky dark but with now rain. I was loosing track of time and day. In fact maybe time didn't affect me anymore... Maybe because of the darkness outside, I started feeling sad and lonely. I laughed and said to myself "What am I being lonely about, I should be burning with fury right now". Then my eyes went dark and I fell on the bed...