Oh noo! I am going to be late, yelled a brown headed fifteen year old boy running down the stairs. Sorry mom no time for breakfast I am late. ,yelled the boy while running out the door. Sam wai...! ,she started but only to hear the door slam and the potted plants fall to the floor. Oh when will that boy ever remember not to slam the door. she mumbled to herself and went back upstairs to get a broom.
Hey May. he said smiling to one of his best friends in the world who had long blond hair to match her golden eyes. You late to he asked while they both ran down the road trying to get to Moonlight High before the bell rang otherwise they would be locked out of the school all day not to mention the school woud phone their parents. Ya. ,she replied starting to lose her breath. Were almost there. ,she added looking at the school about three blocks away. We are going to make.. Sam started but, bumped into someone and fell to the ground. Ugh hey why dont you watch where you are going. he yelled to the stranger. Oh I am so sorry. said the stranger in a sweet velvet voice. I did not mean to knock you down I need to bee more carefull. ,she added. Sam are you ok? ,asked May bending over to check and make sure no serious damage was done. Ya I am fine. ,he replied starting to get up. Look I am really sorry said the stranger finaly showing her face it was a small fragil face but, still lushing with beutey. Pease let me make it up to you my name is kira. Um no thank you it is really ok but we need to get to school. Sam replied turning and headed for school followed by May. Please let me make up what i did to you. she pleaded. Mam it is ok im sorry but like he said we must be going. May said sternly. Goodbye she added and ran to catch up with Sam.
Oh I wish that I could have made up to that poor boy. ,Kira mumbled to herself. Well mabe they will make it to school on time ,she said to satisfy herself while walking down the street looking in all the shops and windows. how strange. ,she stated. Where is everyone this place looks like a ghost town. she awed getting nervous looking from building to building but, she could not find a soul. Well. said a voice. It looks as if we have a little spy. ,the voice said almost laghing then instantly a thick cloud of black smoke came up out of thin air ,and started molding the shape of a woman then instantly the black smoke vanished where now there stood a lovely looking lady her eyes locked on Kira. Agh please help. screamed Kira with fright. Oh do not look for anyone to help you lets just say their all tied up at the moment. ,the lady laghed hystaricly. Who are you. ,demanded Kira. Silly girl did your mother not ever teach you not to be rude well dont be scared I dont want your life just your life energy that is. ,the lady laghed at her own joke then she reached her free hand that was not grabing the poor girl out in front of her face and, all of a sudden the girl grew pale white. Oh what is happening to me? .she asked her voice weak ,and frail. That is just me taking your energy do not worry I will put it to good use for the negaworld that is. ,the lady said and then let go of Kira who fell to the ground. Aww too bad i guess her poor weak human body was just not strong enough for the drain the lady said with a laugh then she snaped her fingers and with a flash of green sparks she was gone.
Hey you two. ,said a girl from thier class. You are just in time to hear the morning anoucment. ,she said her voice shaking. So? ,asked May. It is just our school report nothing major. ,she added losing interest. That is just it. ,the girl started. It is a real news report somthing bad has happend. ,she finished. Like what? ,Sam asked. He got his answer because that second the anoucment came on. Hello town of Moonlight we bring you this special report directly three blocks away from Moonlight High. started the anouncer. Here is where the body of a Ms. Kira was found lying on the ground pale as ghost ,doctors say they can not find anything wrong with her except that it is like all her energy has been drained from her body. Sources revial there have been more incidents and now athourities are on the look out for anything suspisious if you have any leads has to who or what might be doing these attacks please call us at the number below the screen that is all. We will be back when we have more information. finished the anouncer ,and with that the tv clicked off.
Oh dear Sam that was the lady who ran into you. ,May said concerned. I wonder what happend to the poor girl. she added. I do not know but, im glad we got out of there when we did. ,Sam replied looking down. Ok class do not think just because of what happened that school will be canceled the police informed me the school will be gaurded. ,said Sam's teacher Ms. Lisa getting out her lesson book. Ok class turn to page twenty in your book and read the next six chapters to yourself the last thirty minutes of class will be when we do the quiz over what you read. ,she added looking down at the children.
Hey Sam what are you doing after school? ,asked May. Oh nothing I guess. ,he replied. What have you got in mind? Maby you could come over to my house and we could play on my new computer. she replied her eyes sparkling. I would love to. ,he started. but I have to go home and show my grade as soon as possible otherwise I might lose my allowance. ,he finished. Oh ok maby another time? she asked hopfully. Ya I promise talk to ya tomarrow. ,he yelled running down the street to his house leaving May to head the other way to the arcade.
Master general I am ready to go on with part two of my plan I can promise you we will get more energy than ever if all goes well said a lady within the Moonlight mansion. Instead of going after one victom at a time I will get a group of people into this mansion ,and use my sleep spell to recieve a huge gathering of energy. finished the voice. Sounds good to me just make sure there are no disruptions we can not afford any set backs Jade! sneered the general. You already have the king mad at your little puplicity stunt. added the general Yes master replied Jade. I will not fail you again. ,she added a little too proudly ,and with a bow she disapeared.
Hey Sam did you hear about all those people going missing from the creepy old mansion tour? ,asked May the next day at school. No what happend? ,he asked with curiosity in is eyes. Thats the funny part no one knows and the tour company said that all the people must have vanished after they left the tour because they said all that were accounted for had left the building. Wow how freaky, do you think it really happened? ,he asked. I not sure but, lets say you and I go on that tour and maby we can solve the mysterie ourselves. she asked almost jumping out of her chair. Im not so sure. ,he started. I mean like what if we disapear? ,Sam asked cautious. Well if your too chicken I will just have to go alone. ,she remarked with puppy eyes. Fine I wont like it but, i'll go along. ,he said with a grin. Thanks a million Sam you will not regret this.
Ok class get your textbooks out and turn to page fourtyseven and do all the problems on that page and fortyeight when your done turn your papers into me then go back to your seat also no talking. yelled a voice. Wow whats got Ms.Lisa in a mood to... Sam started but got interupted. I said no talking out in the hall with you. Yes mam. ,he replied. Children I will be right back I need to have a little talk with Sam also I better not hear any sound from this room. ,she said and slamed the door shut to leave the kids to do their work.
Man I did it this time ,sixth time this month ,mom's gonna kill me. ,he moaned. Sam we need to talk. ,said Ms.Lisa you need to get your act together young man this is the sixth time you have disrupted my class will not have it. ,she said sternly. Yes mam im sorry but, please just give me one more chance I promise I will not be late again or talk in class. ,he said pleading. Fine I wont tell your parents this time but, remeber just one more chance Sam that is all now stay out her five more minutes then when the bell rings get your homework from a clasmate. ,she said and went back into the class. Suddenly there was a noise. Meow meow. What was that? ,he asked outloud. Hey there little kitty hey whats on your head cool a star bald spot. ,he remarked looking at the star. grr, growled the kitty with a hint of embaressment. Sorry kitty its nothing wrong it looks kool say what are you doing here anyway? ,he asked the cat. Meow. ,the cat replied. RIIIING!! Oh thats the bell well if you dont go anywhere until schools over I will see if I can take you home ok? ,he asked. Meow! ,the cat replied almost puring watchig Sam get up and go back into the class.
Sam you ready? ,asked May. Ya can you believe that pop quiz we had I cant believe I failed mom is goin to kill me but, hang on let me get somthing. ,he laughed showing her the cat. Hey who's cat? ,she asked petting the kitty. It might be mine if my parents will let me keep her. ,he replied grinning. Well will ask after the tour. she said getting out a bus token from her purse. Alright. ,he said holding the cat while getting on the bus himself. This looks like a good seat. ,he pointing out a seat near the back. So what do you think happened on that tour with all those people on it? ,Sam asked. I don't know but, I plan to find out soom because were alost there. she replied pulling the stop bell. Be carefull the bus driver warned after hearing of where they were going. Alot of people have disapeared there. he added. We know ,and we plan to figure out what happened. ,May told the driver then got off followed by Sam as they walked to the front gate which was black with age.
Ahh such fools coming here thinking there is going to be a famous tour ha ha! ,said a voice watching out through a window from within the mansion. I knew this would be an exelent plan to gather energy for my master. ,she said to herself smiling. It is almost too easy these poor humans waist there energy everyday it is only fitting that I put it to better use like for the negaworld ,and if they can not handle the drain that is not my problem any way their luky if I even leave them a drop. she said chuckling. Well it looks like I better go greet my guest she. ,said laghing histaricly.
Hello and welcome to the tour! ,said a tall host. Today is a special day the tour will be having no charge so please go on in and meet the group near that front door behind the fountain. ,she added. the two looked passed the woman to see an enormus mansion the fountain was turned off so the door was in clear view so they made their way ,and soon there was a group of twenty. Wow more people came than I thought. ,said May. Ya I know. replied Sam. Ok we are ready to start. said a female hostest. Welcome everyone to moonlight mansion tour please once everyone as entered the main hall the tour will begin, said the tour hostest turning and heading into the mansion followed by the group. There you are kitty where did you go? ,Sam asked zipping the cat in his jacket. You ready Sam? ,asked May. Ya. ,he replied as they started up the mansion stairs towrd the opened doors. Lets go do this. he added.
Is everyone here? ,asked the hostest. good we dont want anyone to get left out ,she sneered. Lock the door now!! ,she screamed. Suddenly the door slamed shut and locked all on its own the tour group started screaming and running trying to escape for freedom. Ha ha ha there's no use running I will get you. ,she yelled to the group. May run!! ,yelled Sam. this way he added pointing to a door. Oh no you dont! ,screamed the hostest and jumped across the whole room and grabed May by the wrist. Ahh let me go! ,she screamed trying to break free. Well it seems no one is comming to help you or your friends so i can get out of this stupid human costume. ,she said raising her arms then her face got all twisted and ugly with wild red hair and pearcing red eyes to match. Ahh that is much better. ,she said looking at the screaming group and back to May. Hmm you seem to have a much stronger energy level then the rest i will take you first. ,she said grabing May's throat. Who are you and where did you come from May sputtered. Why I am the one of the strongst witches from the negaworld. ,she replied and with a wave of her hand all the group fell to the floor. Oh Sam please help me! ,May screamed trying to break free.
Oh no I need to help her but how he asked himself outloud. It's time. ,said a voice within Sam's jacket. ,let me out now it demanded. Cat you can talk? sam asked shaking. Yes I can my name is Solar and you need to do what I say if you want to save May's life. Ok but, what can I do to help? He asked. Ahh! oh please help oh I feel so weak. ,May said starting to lose her voice. That is because you are starting to lose your energy and I have set a sleep spell so the rest of my feast will not dissapear. she said laghing her eyes starting to glow.
Now Sam take this crystal star and say crystal starbright power. He did as he was told and yelled. CRYSTAL STARBRIGHT POWER!! all of a sudden Sam saw all kinds of lights all around him all the colors and stars spinning around him changing him then he was back in the mansion but he felt different some how he looked at himself his whole outfit had been changed he was now in white pants with a side slap pocket a white jacket and then he noticed his white boots and his jacket had the crystal Solar had gave him he also had a white mask. I new it was you Crystal Starbright. Solar said looking over Sam. Uhm.. ok so what do I do now and what do you mean Crystal Starbright? ,he asked. I will explain later now say crystal blast and aim your fist at the witch. ,Solar demanded. Ok he replied and did as he was told CRYSTAL BLAST! all of a sudden small tennis ball size crystals started shooting out of his fist and at the witch. AGH!! screamed the witch letting go of May who was so weak she fell to the floor. Just who are you and what do you think you are doing? ,she asked her eyes peircing with rage and hate.
I am Crystal Starbright and I do not like how your treating my friend or this old house this house is a historical site and here your using it for evil well now its over an I will punish you! he said to the witch. Oh wow did i just say that ,he asked outloud. Yes you did and I will make you eat your words you little brat. she screamed and threw up her hands ,lets see how you handle a sleep spell. ,she said laughing. Oh no Crystal Starbright look out. Solar warned. the spell dust went all through the mansion and right for Sam. Crystal Starbright say crystal shield now! yelled Solar starting to faint out dew to the sleep spell. CRYSTAL SHIELD! he yelled ,all of a sudden Solar and May were right beside him and a giant clear bubble surronded them wow i feel much better. ,he said. Thats because this shield will not let any spell come through now lets finish her off Crystal use another crystalblast and destroy her for good. ,Solar commanded. Alright. ,he said. CRYSTAL BLAST! I will get you if it the last thing I d.. she screamed seeing the crystals. Oh nooooo! agh! No please you will never win the negaworld will prevail. ,she screamed and turned to a pile of dust on the floor.
Then the grand front doors unlocked and opened and all the people woke up and started asking what had happened all feeling very weak eventuly they all left that was when Sam ,Solar ,and May went to the pile of dust in the middle was a note it read mind your own buisness Crystal Starbright! then the message and the pile of dust just vanished. Ohh. ,Sam said almost falling and his outfit turned back to normal. I feel so weak. ,he said. thats because it was your first time transforming into Crystal Starbright it will get easier. Solar promised. Now May you have to keep Sam's secret a secret can we trust you? she asked. Of course you can. ,she said with a wink. We may need your help somtime I will let you know when. ,Solar added. Ok ok lets go home and try to think of who and what that thig was. ,Sam said and what she wanted he added. No I am glad you want to get to work but, I have alot to tell you and you need some rest May come over tomarrow after school ok? Solar asked. Ya I will be there. she promised. bye she added while she ran off.
Back at Sam's house he had finaly got his parents to allow him to keep Solar but, he had to promise to get is act together in studying. In his room he and Solar were talking. No now Sam you need your rest transforming took alot out of you. Solar scolded. I promise I will explain everything tomarrow. ,she added. Ok but, am I going to always have to do it alone? he asked weakly. That I can not say for sure just yet but, please get some rest. Ok he agreed and turned out the light.
- by The Kingdom Keeper 3 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/17/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: the starbrights
- Artist: The Kingdom Keeper 3
ok this is a story im writing just the first chapther plz be nice and tell me if u think i should continue writing
plz be honest with your votes and comments
thanks - Date: 09/17/2008
- Tags: star brights
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Comments (2 Comments)
- AmayaUta12 - 12/31/2010
- Ok... im going to be brutly honest. I will not read a story that has no idea what quotation marks are. when somebody talks "like this" u put them on. its annoys the shizz outta me XD Details are another thing; keep describing movements and facial features, thats what really sticks into readers minds. I'm a fellow writer, so i'm not trying to be mean, just trying to help.
- Report As Spam
- The Kingdom Keeper 2 - 09/17/2008
wow first comment
not bad story i think u should continue writing more - Report As Spam