• I swam across the deep blue ocean, in hope that someone might find me. I needed to stop swimming, I am tired. I hope to find shore soon, or I will sink silently down with the others. Watching the water lap over my head and sink down watching the disappearing moon. How long has it been since the shipwreck? Seconds? Weeks? I cannot tell, for the only sound is my heart, beating softly. I do not care about any animal that might swallow me whole, it would be quick and painless. I see a shape ahead, of course I may just imagine it, but as I get closer, I can almost distingush the shapes of plants and fish below me. I pulled myself to the island, tired and weak. I fall into a deep sleep, letting unconsciousness take over. I awake the next day hungry, and scared. I feel sad for those I lost that night. I walked away from the beach in search of food, letting the weeds scrape passed my legs. I needed food, and fast! Was I going to get rescued from this island, or die like everone else. I knew the answer right away: none of was going to live to retell this story. It would just be a mystery why the ship didn't get to its destination. I decided that dying wasn't so bad after all... I would always be with the ones I loved. This is the end, you will never get away, death will always find you. Are you ready?