• The night air, filled with moisture and various scents. A Gaian walked through the half empty streets of Barton, her name is Aric the Black Rose, many know her as Aric.

    The moon was full tonight making her smile underneath her obsidian Tatsu helmet. The perfect time, for werewolves.

    Though there hasn’t been any word about werewolves, Aric took it upon herself to become one, thus she is one.

    Ducking into an alley she slowly left her body shift. She was an elder, this allowed her to shift freely unlike some who only shift during the full moon.

    Slowly whitish silver fur began to cover her soft skin, her legs buckled as they changed, her feet became a little bit longer as sharp claws form on the toes. Her hands stiffen as claws emerge, she adjusts the helmet allow her short snout to emerge revealing many sharp teeth. A tail soon finds it was out of her back and out from under the armor into the world.

    Once complete, she howled and readies her zOMG Spirit Sword.

    She was ready to hunt, hunt for anything hunting her.

    Gaians walking the streets heard the howl, they soon realize what has come into Gaia.


    This is the beginning...