• "Dancing bears, painted wings. Things I almost remember. And a song someone sings, once upon a December."
    Shiori was walking around with Kyouya and Tamaki, who had just seperated from the twins and Ayu. They were going to the Haunted Mansion for a bet that Ayu couldn't be scared by them.
    Well, while they did that, Shiori, Kyouya and Tamaki were heading over to the boat ride. It would fit all three of them, so they didn't have to split apart.
    Today was the host club's day off. So they had dicided to go to the theme park.
    You see, Shiori was the host club's dog, God remembers who this happened. But she was Tamaki's loyal servant in the host club. Tamaki rather enjoyed her company, and wasn't afraid to show it, unlike Kyouya, who also adored her.
    Today was the day that one of them would step up and tell her. Throughout the day Tamaki would constantly squirm at the thought of Shiori, turning red. Kyouya showed signs of her thoughts everytime he tapped his foot.
    Finally, it was time for the last ride, and Tamaki and Kyouya both wanted to do something different. Shiori could tell, since they were aguing quietly about it. She had good ears.
    She listened to them quarrel for a minute or so, then sighed.
    "Can you pick one already?" Shiori had reached the point where she would be a bit snippy.
    The two blinked and looked at her, then Tamaki blurted--
    "Alright! Kyouya and I will go on the rides we want to go on! And whichever one you want to ride, you'll go with!"
    Shiori nodded. "Alright. That sounds fair. What are the two rides?"
    "The love boat," Tamaki said.
    "Or the roller coaster," Kyouya added in.

    So, which will Shiori go on?
    A) The love boat
    B) The roller coaster

    Answer A) The Love Boat
    "I choose the love boat," Shiori said, smiling sweetly.
    "YES!!" Tamaki jumped up in the air and then grabbed her hand. "We'll meet you at the ferris wheel during the fireworks, Kyouya!"
    "Alright," Kyouya said, walking to the roller coaster.
    Shiori felt a little guilty, but it was a bit to late to go apologize, since Kyouya was already out of sight.
    "Well, if I can recall the love boat chooses who rides with one another," Shiori told Tamaki when they were about to enter the line.
    "Well then, I hope I get you," He said, going in the boys line.
    That left Shiori puzzled. What did he mean by that?
    She shrugged and went in the girls line. Once they boats were visible, six minutes had passed. She looked at where the boy she would ride with popped out. It was...
    She blinked and got in the boat with him. During the middle of the ride, she looked at him.
    "Kyouya, why did you come on this ride? I thought you were going on the roller coaster."
    Kyouya shrugged and looked at her. "I wanted to be with you," he said, smiling.
    It was crystal clear now, she knew.
    Kyouya didn't just like her, but he was actually in love with her.
    Kyouya lifted her chin, making Shiori blush. "I always have." He kissed Shiori passionatly on her tender lips, being kissed back.
    This moment stayed in thier hearts forever, and it would surely change thier relationship.

    Answer B) The roller coaster
    "I feel daring. Let go on the coaster," Shiori said, smiling adveturously.
    "GAH?!" Tamaki's jaw dropped to the floor.
    "It's settled," Kyouya said, standing up from the bench they were sitting on. The two walked off to the roller coaster, leaving Tamaki shocked.
    It was an eleven minute wait, but worth it!
    They got into the first car, hooking up all the nessicities.
    "Ready?" Kyouya asked, looking at her, taking off his glasses and placing them in his pocket.
    "Not really," Shiori admitted truthfully.
    "Good, because I didn't want to feel alone."
    The two laughed a bit, then the ride started. As they came down, Shiori noticed a group of phycos unscrewing a part of the coaster they were on. They went shooting downhill, then the coaster went to bits. Kyouya was flung out of his seat, but landed safely.
    "SHIORI!!" It was Tamaki.
    Shiori had been flung out of her seat as well, but towards a hard hit on the ground.
    Tamaki ran over by where she was to hit and held out his hands, catching her.
    "M-my lord?" Shiori looked up at him, suprized.
    "I couldn't stay away," He said simply, putting her down on her feet.
    Later on, when the fireworks were going, Tamaki took Shiori to a field of flowers. Then looked into her eyes.
    "Shiori, I'd give up being in the host club as a host for you."
    Shiori smiled. "You don't have to."
    Shiori leaned in, the two kissed right when the grand finally hit for fireworks.
    Oh yeah, this would change a lot of things.

    So, who did you choose?

    "Baby, you're all that I want when you're lying here in my arms. I'm finding it hard to believe we're in heaven. Love is all that I want and I found it there, in your heart. It isn't too hard to see we're in heaven."
    Ayu walked down the odd hallways of the Haunted Mansion. She hadn't been spooked yet, not by THIER cheesy tactics. Yes, the Hitachiin twins.
    You see, Ayu was a member of the host club, but only secretly. She took care of the twins to make sure they didn't get in trouble. She hasn't mentioned to anyone she rather enjoys thier company, for she didn't want to seem like one of those desprite girls that designated them. Even though Tamaki, the "king" of the host club, had thought he was getting a new customer, he got something better. A little less havoc from the twins.
    They all had gone to a theme park for the day, reserved for the school.
    So there she was, waiting to be freaked out by the twins. Instead...
    "GYAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" They arrived, but were scared s***less unstead. Ayu gave them a weird look.
    "Aren't you su...possed-- AHHH!!!!" Ayu finally saw what was creeping them out. It was what looked like the grudge, making exersist noises. Ayu ran left with Hikaru while Kaoru went right...
    ...After a minute of screaming and running, Ayu nearly tripped on something, but was swallowed up by a rope instead...
    ...Along with Hikaru, who looked a little red faced.
    Then he realized something.
    "Where's Kaoru?!" He started to yell and toss and turn, trying to get out.
    "Calm down, Hikaru! Do you want to get cut," Ayu said, holding up a pocket knife.
    "What the h*** are you doing with THAT?!"
    "Getting us out, smart one. You know, you lack commen sence without Kaoru."
    "Yeah yeah," Hikaru said, looking at the ground.
    "Now," Ayu climbed over him, cutting them down.
    "Wh-what's with the position?" Hikaru seemed to be staring.
    "I know it's uncomfortable, but bear with me, alright?"
    "Well, it's not a matter of bearing..."
    The rope decided to give in and collapsed down, Ayu landing on Hikaru in a some what okward position.
    ...Okay, VERY okward.
    Hikaru looked up at her, blushing. "D-do you mind?"
    Ayu smirked and looked at him. "Whatsa matta? Scared?"
    "Not in the least," He replied, giving her a set of narrow eyes.
    "Yeah, sure." Ayu shrugged and got up, holding out her hand for him.
    Hikaru took it, standing up. "Thanks."
    "You're welcome," Ayu said in her usual pippy voice.
    Hikaru smiled then seized her hand in his as the two walked down looking for Kaoru.
    For once, Ayu actually turned a pink shade. She looked away from Hikaru, looking down the creepy hall.
    Hikaru had done the same, thinking, You grabbed her hand, do something.
    Why is he holding my hand? This was Ayu's mind.
    The two looked at each other...

    Do they~
    A) Let go of one another's hand
    B) Keep holding hands and just keep walking.
    (Look for the answer you chose and read.)

    A) Let go of one another's hand
    They let go of one another, blushing outragously. Hikaru looked at her and smiled, getting her smile in return.
    "That was, uh, kinda weird back there, huh?"
    The two looked down, but the Hikaru couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in, kissing her passionatly. Ayu returned the kiss.
    It lasted for a few minutes, then when they pulled away, they were both rather red.
    "We should find Kaoru," Ayu said, changing the subject.
    "HIKARU!!" Speak of the devil. Kaoru came running up, Hikaru ran to him and the two hugged...
    The three left the Haunted Mansion, finding the the fireworks would start in a minute or so. Kaoru had found out what happened, but didn't let them know. They all got on the ferris wheel, Kaoru insisting he'd go with someone else.
    So, Hikaru and Ayu were in the ferris wheel cart No.8, acting rather shy towards each other. The fireworks started.
    Ayu's hand was placed on the middle of the seat in between them. Hikaru slipped his hand over hers, caressing it. Ayu looked at him and smiled bashfully. The ride stopped at the very top for them. The fireworks were extrodinary. Ayu and Hikaru looked at one another, smiling. Hikaru leaned in, kissing her again, being kissed in return. This was the start of a beautiful relationship, most likely.

    Answer B) Keep holding hands and just keep walking
    Hikaru and Ayu just smiled and kept holding hands. They found Kaoru in a corner of a room.
    "Hikaru?" He jumped up and ran to his twin, who let go of Ayu's hand and ran to Kaoru, hugging. They went out of the Haunted Mansion, fireworks about to start. As they were walking, Kaoru went to get something for them all to eat.
    "Hikaru?" Ayu said when Kaoru left.
    Hikaru looked at Ayu. "Yeah?"
    Ayu looked down and then back up at him. "Let's just stay friends."
    Hikaru nodded. "Yeah."
    They remained good friends, never speaking of the Haunted Mansion incident ever again.

    So, which did you pick?