• heart Archer in the Sunlight heart

    The sun was high in the sky. A young girl stepped onto the lawn and raised her bow. An arrow was already loaded, waiting to be shot through the air. The girl's hair was silky and bright, seemingly reflecting the sunlight. Her eyes blazed with the intensity of the sun itself as she stared her target down, sitting silently like a waiting predator. The girl pulled back the string and slowed her breathing so her hands wouldn't shake with anticipation. Suddenly, she let that arrow fly, slicing through the wind to hit the target. The point stuck right in the bull's eye like a needle piercing through fabric. The girl grinned a childish grin and skipped over to collect her arrow. To the side, a woman sat and applauded her daughter for her archery skills. The woman's hair shimmered in the light and her eyes sparkled like the moon. She carefully stood up, strode over to her little girl, patted her shoulder, and walked away with her hand-in-hand. Soon, all that could be seen was two archers in the sunlight disappearing into the horizon.