• Despite herself, she shivered as her eyes met narrow, catlike slits. “It’s suddenly cold in here," she murmured, a wry smile playing on her lips.
    “You know, they say it’s always coldest when death approaches...You see, you’ve become troublesome for us. I’m afraid I must kill you.”
    “Well, that’s not very fair, is it?”
    “Fate isn’t fair. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here in this present situation, now would we?” He drew his gun.
    She chucked, sweat beading on his brow. Her mind was racing. “I wasn’t aware you were so pessimistic.”
    “It’s not pessimism," he now joined her chuckling but declined to elaborate.
    A gunshot rang throughout the city. He scowled, shaking his head as her body collapsed to the ground with a soft thud. The young man shook his head.
    What a conventional way to dispose of someone.