• J and I were trapped in the cave. I hated myself for chasing old enemies and putting my master in danger. The ground was getting hot. It was too hot for human skin, and there were rocks falling from the cieling. I didn't think we would make it out alive, but I kept going. I ran at full speed, eyes closed tight. Air was leaving the cave fast. Being a wolf demon, I don't need much air to breathe, but J was human. The more I ran the more it seemed it was impossible to get out of the cave alive. J whispered something in my ear, but I didn't hear him. His heart beat grew faint. I ran even faster, faster than I thought possible. Suddenly the stone floor turned to dirt, and the cieling was gone. I had made it. But we still weren't completely safe.

    I put J on a nearby rock, and turned around. I found Altair, my life long enemy, staring at me with furious, blood thirsty eyes. " It doesn't have to be this way. Just kill the boy now. This will all be over.You will be free, and I will receive the pleasure of an annoying little pest's death," he was lying. If I killed J, then Altair would kill me while I was off guard. I took my chance while I still had it. I attacked. The sound of two wolf demons in battle had not reached the land in over two hundered years. It was the same two wolf demons fighting now as it was two hundered years ago. The sky grew dark and the air grew cold. We kept fighting. A single drop of blood fell to the ground. Then another. A half hour later we were both covered in blood, with dirt digging into our cuts. I struck him on the neck with all my strangth, instantly killing him. It was over. The sky went back to it's silky blue self. The air grew warmer as it was before. Finally, after three hundered years, the only wolf demon I couldn't kill in one fight, was dead.

    I ran back to J, who was still where I had left him. He whispered something to me again. This time I heard. " Let me die," his voice was faint, begging for death. I put him on my back and headed toward his uncle's house, half a mile to the west. I found his uncle outside, sketching as he always was. He looked up, eager to greet us, but then he saw the mess of blood and dirt that covered my fur. He looked devistated when he saw J, lying limp on my back. I set him down next to his uncle." Altair tried to kill him while I wasn't looking. He isn't quite dead yet, but there isn't anything we could do to help him. Altair is dead, about a mile east of here," After that I don't know what J's uncle did. I just ran, deeper and deeper into the forest, never looking back.

    So, here I am today. Do I regret that day? I regret that day every moment of my life. Someimes I wish I could go back to the old days when life was a never ending adventure with my best friend. If there's one thing you need to learn from this, it's this; Bad things happen in life. You might have memories that you wish you didn't have. You don't have to throw away the past. Just don't let it control who you are.