Friday, September 19, 2011
I’ve decided to write all my thoughts out in this journal that I borrowed. I’m not sure how long this will be, and I’m not sure how long I will last to be honest. I guess I should start from the very beginning. Today I woke up, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth then I was attacked by my mom. This is not a normal occurrence, by any means. Maybe it was that she was bleeding profusely from her neck, or maybe it was because she had blood around her mouth. All I know is that this isn’t normal. I pushed her away and just ran. I knew what was happening. Its just like in the movies I used to watch as a kid. You know, the ones directed by George Romero? Anyway, it seems my mom was bitten, and she was turned into one of them, something undead. I ran down my neighborhood as fast as I could. I never said I was brave. The undead, or zombies if you prefer, seemed to be all over the neighborhood. I thought life in the suburbs was supposed to be easy. After about thirty minutes of running away from the undead, who are easy to get away from as long as you don’t run into a mass of them, I saw a red Dodge Neon drive towards me. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to stop the car or not, so I just ran right in front of it. The girl driving freaked out and stopped. I opened the passenger door and got in. She started to drive off, even though we didn’t know each others names. I soon found out her name was Kristina. She was the one who let me borrow this journal.
-Trevor Macy
Saturday, September 20, 2011
We didn’t sleep last night considering we were scared we would wake up being attacked by the undead, so we just kept driving. As we drove we tried to tune into radio stations to see what was going on, but all we got was static. Today we drove past a sign that said “Welcome to Missouri”. I guess we have been driving for a long time now. At first it didn’t seem Missouri was infected at all, sadly we had just not seen anything yet. We drove on although now we were lost as neither of us had been to Missouri. We saw a lot of car wrecks as we where driving. Cars on fire, bodies mutilated, you get the picture. That was our first clue that Missouri wasn’t going to be much safer than where we had come from. We eventually came upon a Wal-Mart, this made us happy considering neither of us had had anything to eat in the last fifteen hours or so. There where a lot of cars in the Wal-Mart parking lot. At first we thought this wasn’t good, because we thought that a mass of the undead would be inside waiting for us, but as it turns out, it was completely empty. We walked around just taking food off the shelves since we figured if all the workers are dead, or worse undead, we weren’t hurting anything by just taking some food. As we walked down some of the aisles we thought we heard voices coming from the back of the store. We walked further into the back of the store, past the electronics department and into the back room. There where a lot of people; men, women, and children. They all looked like survivors. We were welcomed with open arms.
-Trevor Macy
Monday, September 22, 2011
Kristina and I finally got some sleep. I can’t help but to be thankful that these people let us just come in and be apart of their community. I really wonder how my brother is holding up. He is away at college, he’s the son my parents wanted me to be. I’ve always just been that slacker kid who never had a job in his life or did any work around the house. I miss my mom, a lot. Her attacking me is something I replay in my head every time I close my eyes. Its frightening, one day everything in your life is going completely normal and everything is as it should be. The next day everything is turned upside down by something outside of your control. Have you ever thought about having a genie that could grant you three wishes? Well this is one of those moments I just wish I at least had a genie. My first wish would be how I wish none of this had ever happened and for things to go back to the way they are. Then I guess I’d wish for world peace and to end world hunger or something like that. Kristina told me how she left her dad behind and how he was bound to a wheelchair. She told me how she regrets her decision every minute since this happened. The more I talk to her the closer we get. I feel like I want to protect her from everything. I don’t know, maybe I’m just insane.
-Trevor Macy
Tuesday, September 23, 2011
Me and Kristina decided to leave the Wal-Mart community today. We thanked them and filled the car up with gas and left. We just decided that there is no escaping our fate and we would just drive until there was no more infection, or until there was no more road to drive on. It seemed like we drove all day. We had no weapons to fight off the undead all we had was a car. We should have borrowed some guns from the people at Wal-Mart. As we drove we got to talking, mostly talking about what we would do if this all ended. I asked her the question if she’d like to stay with me once this was all over if we survived. I was excited when she said yes. We’ve been growing closer recently.
-Trevor Macy
Wednesday, September 24, 2011
Kristina and I jumped up right as the screaming and pounding started. Somebody, or something was pounding on the car. We looked out the car window and it was a man. He looked to be in his 30s or so, I’m not sure. I could hear him screaming, he was screaming “Help!”, but I wasn’t sure what we could do. Zombies had us surrounded. I told Kristina we shouldn’t have gone to sleep. We really didn’t know what to do. On one hand, we could open the door and let the man in and risk our lives for somebody we don’t know. On the other hand we could keep the door shut and watch the man get devoured and drive off like nothing happened. I’m not sure if it is in human nature to risk your life to somebody you don’t have any connections with. We left the doors closed. We watched as the zombies ripped the man apart. First his went his arms, and then went his legs. I thought I was going to be sick. We both broke into tears because we then realized how it felt to be responsible for the loss of a human life.
-Trevor Macy
Thursday, September 25, 2011
I’m still very shaken from the events that happened yesterday. Watching a man get eaten by zombies was never on my to do list. This car hasn’t moved since then. Zombies are still surrounding us, we’ve tried to start the car several times. We’ve also ran out of food. Today I told Kristina how much she meant to me. We kissed, it was my first kiss, probably my last one as well. I really don’t know how much longer we will last.
-Trevor Macy
Friday, September 26, 2011
I’m not sure why she decided to leave the car but she did. She left a note saying how much she loved me. This was really beyond me, why would she have left like this? Needless to say I left the car to go find her. Remember on my first journal entry when I said something about how zombies where easy to get away from when they’re aren’t a mass of them around you? Well, I wasn’t able to completely get away. One bit me in the shoulder. I don’t know how much longer I have. By the time I found Kristina it was too late. She was dead when I found her. I’m sitting by her body right now, not exactly in the place I found it, I carried her back to the car, the zombies where surprisingly no where in sight. I can’t believe I let this happen. Why would she leave like this? Well, I guess this is our end. I hope that there are people out there that are still alive that will be able to find and read this. Don’t ask me why I want this to get out there, I just do. Maybe my life would make for a good movie down the road. Who knows, I’ve already written the book.
- last goodbye, Trevor Macy
- by carrythebones |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/12/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Zombie Story
- Artist: carrythebones
I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a better title for the story, but thats alright.
I wrote this story for an english class a few weeks ago. I got a pretty good grade for it. - Date: 10/12/2008
- Tags: zombie story
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Hi_Beech - 12/03/2009
- This gave me chills. You write hella good dude biggrin
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- carrythebones - 10/12/2008
- moar comments plz
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- Homeless Romantic - 10/12/2008
(lol you finally did it) - Report As Spam
- crystalsight555 - 10/12/2008
- that was scary,cool,and i really liked it. it sounds a little like I Am Legand.
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- xunholyxsaintx - 10/12/2008
- i like it smile
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- carrythebones - 10/12/2008
- Thanks for your comment, please rate everybody. =]
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- Wickedawesome1 - 10/12/2008
- wow, that is scary. Good, but freaky. And scary. wow.
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