• A long time ago, but that long,in a small town somewhere near Detroit, there lived an old man. This creepy old man would wander around town wearing his fedora hat. The towns people didn't know his name, no one was foolish enough to ask. Rumors flew that he was a murderer because people who seemed to have no family or loved ones would disappear and he was always seen talking to them before they disappeared.
    Then one day, the old man just up and vanished. The police were called and they went to his house. They knocked on the door and when no one answered they broke down the door. The police searched the house, but they never found him. Though, in his basement they found a deep, dark pit. In the pit were the decaying bodies of those who disappeared. The man left no clue to where he was. The police decided to launch a nation wide search. But, after a year with no leads, the case ended.
    The old man had never thought about his victims having family in other towns, for he wasn't that wise an old man. It just so happens that his victims did have families and people who cared about them. The old man may not have been wise but he was thorough, every one related had to disappear. The families grieved as all families do, but soon they were stalked by a shadow man wearing a fedora. When they told people of this mysterious shadow man, the people would only laugh. The families were thought to have gone mad with grief. Then different family members and those who were close to the families started to die one by one. First the deaths were thought of as coincidence, but soon the police became involved. From interviews, they found out that those who died claimed to have seen the shadow man twice. Those who were with a person when they died said that a random shadow of a man was there. The police deduced that after seeing the supposed shadow man three times, that the people seem to die.
    The police were worried and the case was opened officially and a full out investigation happened. They decided a steak out would be the best way to prove whether the shadow man was real or not. The set up cameras at a woman's house who claimed to have seen it twice before. This was a healthy nineteen year old woman, who shouldn't die of anything other than being murdered. She was filmed for weeks, and the police were about to give up hope. Then, all of a sudden this woman started to shake violently and then died. She was rushed to the hospital and the doctor said that she died of sudden internal hemorrhaging. This puzzled the police who watched the video over again and realized there was a shadow of a man wearing a fedora. This frightened the police, and they realized the had no way to fight what was happening. They also realized what they did by watching the video over again. They had seen the shadow man and had fated themselves with a imminently close death. Those who watched the video began to be visited by the shadow man. One by one they died and those who were left burned the video. They returned to the old man's house to try and finish what was happening in a last hope for survival. They searched the house high and low. One of them came across a hidden cubbyhole. In the cubbyhole, there were satanic marking and a wish written on the wall in blood. This frightened the people, but they explored it anyway. The wish on the wall was this, I wish to you, those who have the power, grant me immortality so I may rid the world of those unwanted and uncared for. This foolish, psychotic old man unleashed the powers of hell upon himself. He died becoming a demon, prowling on those who don't fit in and those who even so much as glimpse him. They never did find his body and they were never able to stop him. He is still out there, to this day. There is only to be waring of the shadows, because you never know if he may pay you a visit.