• Jeremy woke with a start. He had no idea where he was. He looked in front of him. There was an empty bowl with a spoon in it sitting on the table. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in a diner that he went to to get something to eat. The diner was completely empty. None of the employees were to be found. He remembered that there were a few vehicles in the parking lot. He got up from the booth he was in to look out the window. The vehicles were still there, but where were all the people. Jeremy's heart began to race, because he was beginning to think that he had done it again. He went to the kitchen to check if the people were in there. What he found was a trail of red leading to the kitchen. Now he really got scared. The substance looked alot like blood. It looked as if someone had been killed and dragged to the kitchen. He followed the trail to the door to ther kitchen. He didn't want to go in, but he took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. he crossed the threshold with his eyes still shut. When he opened them he didn't see anything at first. When he rounded the corner He saw what he knew was going to be there. There were three bodies. One male and two females. He didn't want to look at them up close, but something inside him told him to do it anyway. When he came to the first body he noticedthe name tag. It read Michelle. It was the waitress that took his order earlier. She was on her back with her guts laying out in a bloody mess. The blood was everywhere. Then he went to the next body. It was the male. The cook Jeremy guessed. He had an apron on, and there was blood all over it from the wound in the man throat. His throat had been slit from ear to ear. The third body was the worst. She was laying across the counter with her head in the deep frier. The machine was still on and cooking her face. The smell was horrible. It smell like flesh burning. That was the last straw. Jeremy clutched his as he vommited al over the floor. His stomach just couldn't handle the smell. Jeremy ran to the restroom to splash some water on his face. When he got to the restroom he noticed that the mirror had been shattered. It had blood on it. The blood made hand prints. That's when Jeremy Realized that he had smashed it. For what reason he had no idea. He just knew that something was wrong with him. He realized that he needed to get away from here soon. Plus he needed some answers, and he needed them fast before he killed again. He turned around and left the diner. when he got into his truck he couldn't get the key into the ignition, because his hands were shaking to much. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, put the key in the ignition, started the car, and drove away as fast as he could. He didn't know where he would get the answers he needed, but he had to find them somehow.