Now that's just insulting. I haven't done anything to hurt you. “Accept keep me against my will and force me into marriage. I don't even know if its possible I mean we are from two different species.” She said reasonably. She still didn't know how she managed it. She was talking to a dragon after all which was impossible. Yet here she was being turned up side down again. Good thing I'm not in a dress or a skirt. She thought as she kept glaring. Your probably right about that. Her face flushed at the thought in her head. "Yeah yeah just stay out of my head ok!" It wasn't even fare, She didn't even know what he was thinking, he was a dragon after all. She felt she should have been freaking out by now. But then again maybe having a near death experience left your mind lax and vulnerable to new and impossible things.
*to be continued*
- by kationa rumani |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/07/2008 |
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- Title: dragons boon (part five)
- Artist: kationa rumani
- Description: (part five) The story of a dragon and a girl..To her surprise she finds she should have taken a deal offered by the dragon but didn't and now she finds she is a piece of his treasure to the shape shifting dragon king.........This could get funny...Read as she attempts to escape and or drive her new owner crazy..Who knows maybe annoying the dragon will get him to free her..or get her eaten....Darn she should have taken the deal!!!
- Date: 11/07/2008
- Tags: dragons boon part five
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