• History class was a drag, but in the middle of class, the principal called me into his office. As I was walking across, I couldn't help but see Janet Plen across the hall. Janet is a girl that I've known since the fifth grade, and I've been in love with her since.

    All of a sudden, I saw this hand reaching out to me. It was dark, and nonhuman.

    I screamed, and began to run into the principal's office.

    "David, I've been expecting you." Said Mr. Plen, Janet's father, and school principal.

    "Why was I called here?" I asked him.

    He said "I have an urgent request for you. There has been a strange creature lurking in the halls. The darkness is its home, and I want you to go there."

    "Are you crazy? I'll be killed! That thing almost grabbed me!"

    "I am only giving you one option. You must do this for me."

    I thought he was crazy for me to do this. I didn't think that he would expect me to do this, but he gave me a tranquilizer gun. I had no idea how to catch it...