• Another average week of High School. The usual teasing, and the usual F on a math quiz. Yup, that just about sums up the most important parts. I'm Nicole, a sixteen-year-old girl at High School. I live a pretty average life. I'm not the most popular girl in school, I don't make straight A's, but I'm smart. I'm teased a lot, but I manage to shrug it off. Who cares what they think, right?

    Well... on a cold, dreary night as I was walking home from a friends house, something strange happened. I mean, really strange. Paranormal, even! The night was late and foggy. It was so cold that I could see my breath whenever I breathed. It was the middle of fall and most of the trees were very bare. Oh, and did I mention that I hate being alone in the dark? Well, I do, and it scares the crap out of me.

    As I passed a corner of one of the streets, I could see a car's headlights ahead of me. I continued walking, but I kept my eyes on that car. It drove by slowly, and I got a bad feeling in my gut. Something wasn't right. The car was black, and I couldn't see through the dark windows. After it passed me I could hear it stop a few yards away from me. I could feel some fear run down my back as I heard the car doors open and shut. I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see two figures in dark outfits. One was standing on each side of the car. One was female, and the other was male. If I were to guess, they were both in their twenties. I could see one of them look over at the other, who then nodded. Then they started walking toward me!

    "Come here, girl. We're not going to hurt you," the woman said, grinning. I stood there for a bit, but then I darted ahead for home. I didn't like this. I should have stayed at my friend's house and slept over! I looked over my shoulder to see what they were doing. I saw the man grin and then the two seemed to crouch down a bit, as if to pounce. I thought they were crazy until I saw a pair of black wings spread out on their backs! What were they? The two took to the air and I ran harder. I had to get home! It was no use; they were much faster than me in the air!

    The two dove at me, but I took a leap, landing on the cold, hard ground. At least my jacket cushioned the fall a bit. I stood and ran in a different direction as the two turned in mid air, my knees and hands stinging from the impact of the asphalt. They took a wide turn, so I had enough time to turn the corner and possibly lose them. I took cover in a bush in someone's yard and caught my breath. I could hear the feathery wing beat of their black wings above as they scanned the ground for me. I was terrified! I sat still in the bush, held my knees close and stayed quiet. I suddenly heard a comforting voice ring through my mind.

    It's okay, just run home.

    I suddenly felt a little less scared. It was weird, I felt like someone was with me, but I knew the only ones outside right now were me, and the two circling above. After I felt ready to run again, I dashed out of the bush, wincing as one of the sharp branches hit my arm. My scarf was snagged for a bit, but I tugged it out quickly. The two didn't seem to notice me, yet. Maybe I could get away after all! As I started making my way further from the bush, I could hear their wings flap as though they were changing direction. I had been spotted again! But why did they want me?

    Just as I thought it was all over, something glowing shot through the air and struck one of them! She plummeted quickly with a shout. The other looked over his shoulder, I could guess he didn't like what was happening.

    "It doesn't matter, I'll still be able to take you even if she's down!" he said, attempting to snatch me off the ground. I cried out for help, and just as he reached his arms for me, another winged figure came and grabbed the man's hands, holding him back. I gasped and stopped running, turning and facing the two. He was younger than the man he was holding back, and had a pair of black wings too, only there were white feathers scattered among the black. I couldn't quite tell how he looked because it was dark, but I know his hair was kind of short. He looked back at me over his shoulders and I could see his eyes were golden.

    "Get out of here, you can't let them chase you home. Your family could die. Go, now." he told me. I couldn't believe it! He had the same voice as the one I heard while I was in the bushes! "Don't just stand there, go!" he shouted this time. I nodded and quickly scampered off.

    "Why you—“ He had kneed the man in his gut before he could finish what he was going to say and then tossed him to the side. The woman flew at him, shouting, but he kicked her, stopping her in place, and tossed her to the side as well. As I got further and further from the three, I could hear the woman shouting at me.

    "You haven't seen the last of us, girl!"